Thats a hard one! I love both of them, but if I would have to choose I'll go for Nevermore, just because it makes my favorite-album better than brilliant!
They're both excellent. I guess if I HAD to choose, I'd go with Lily Of The Valley. Maybe because the last verse reminds me of the US's current war with Iraq (should be said I do not support the war at all).
I agree, LOTV simply because it was more of a story with great vocal range by Freddie, whereas NM seemed like more of a wrap-up to "March of the Black Queen" - and a magnificent wrap-up to "MOFTBQ" at that!
i think it would be nevermore, but formo my p.o.v. i think there´s no Queen song better than the other, because in each this lads, put all thier efforts to make the best they can in each song