britishquality wrote: did i really see that abortion of a classic on top of the pops?- why can't these karaokes just go away......forever?
Too nice....they should f*** off for butchering and f****** up a masterpiece!!. These talentless buch of wankers are shit!! Who the fuck buys any of their records anyway!. Never watch TOTP and haven't for years. Little wonder it's going to BBC 2 when you have karaoke singers trying to be pop stars!!!
deleted user 21.02.2005 01:39
I don't really like studio cover versions period, I don't care what the song is. G4 should know better than to attempt BoRhap. Hell, Queen could barely pull it off.
I miss the days when something mattered... what's the word...? Ah yes, TALENT.
deleted user 22.02.2005 10:40
The lead singer ( I use the term is the loosest sense)is from my home town and I was horrified when I flicked through Top Of The Pops and saw their complete abortion of Boh Rap.
Guys, sort it out. Get off the covers and be yourselves and get Cowell's hand out of your behinds.