Rabon_Gumm 24.01.2005 09:03 |
I'm not. I wouldn't know how to be. I'm still running around in the same sneakers I had in 1995. They're comfy and that's all I care about. But a lot of the folk in this village can be downright cruel, coming up to me and accusing me of searching around the bins for my clobber. It's not big and it's not funny. We're not rich folk and we make do with what we've got, that's all. "It's not what you wear on the outside that makes a man " is what gaffer says "but how you are inside that counts." That said, he's just treated himself to a new pair of Hugo Boss combat trousers. I'll get his old hand-me-downs as usual, I suppose. Not that I'm complaining. What's the trendiest thing you own? |
LivingGirl 24.01.2005 09:15 |
I'm not trendy.I like being comfortable so I wear simple and I love sneakers,you can move freely.Don't care about what other people says as long as I'm happy with myself. |
Mr.Jingles 24.01.2005 09:16 |
Being trendy to the extreme is part of the downfall of society. I remember the other day my girlfriend and I were watching some episodes of the comedy sketch show 'In Living Color' from the early 90s, and then we wondered why back then people got away with wearing extremely brightful colors, but now if you go out on the street wearing clothes like that you'll look like a clown. I personally have less respects for artists who worry way too much about their image and the way they dress up, like Lenny Kravitz for instance (although mostly for the fact that he wears fur). Personally I love to wear clothes that make me feel comfortable (and not by the way they make me look) but to make me feel physically comfortable myself. |
Sonia Doris 24.01.2005 09:18 |
trendy flendy blendy |
Janet 24.01.2005 09:25 |
Not trendy at all, I'm afraid. When I'm around the house I'm in jeans and a sweater, and when I get more dressed up I prefer classic clothing that doesn't go out of style, rather than something trendy and flash-in-the-pan. |
deleted user 24.01.2005 10:04 |
I think the way I dress is pretty eclectic, but I wear comfy clothing. I won't buy something just because it is the latest fashion. |
ægishjalmur 24.01.2005 10:17 |
I'm not very trendy ... or I'm not trying to be. I just wear what I want to wear. |
Daburcor? 24.01.2005 11:38 |
Trendy? Me? Don't be ridiculous! |
KillerQueen840 24.01.2005 12:33 |
I'm not trendy, I wear whatever clothes are on sale..hehe But I try to get bellbottom/flares for my jeans..but I NEVER can find any flarey/bellbottomy enough. I want them tight at the top and HUGE flares on the bottom..but that's almost impossible cos if they are huge on the bottom they are usually huge on the top. I absolutely love my sneakers. They are black arizona's boy sneakers and I went through three pairs of the same exact ones cos I refuse to wear any others. I can't really find anymore like these and they're getting old enough where they are starting to fall apart, but I'll still wear them. Whenever I go out I almost always wear my black hoodie Queen sweatshirt on top of whatever I'm wearing. And I almost never know what to do with my hair so I usually leave it down. |
deleted user 24.01.2005 12:49 |
I'm hoping nobody here in QZ's a slave to fashion. At least I know I'm not the least bit. |
Mr.Jingles 24.01.2005 13:14 |
There's nothing worse than being surrounded by people who pay attention at whether you wear brand name clothes or not, and criticize anyone who is just not in what they consider "in style". Frankly I don't give a rat's ass if someone says something to me for wearing Wrangler jeans that I bought at KMart, or why I'm wearing sneakers from Payless Shoes instead of Nike's. FUCK FASHION! |
Mean Mistreater 24.01.2005 14:20 |
As a teenager I was all into labels, but then I grew up and realized what a waste of money!!! This is a BIG problem with people today, and I wish there was a way to change it, but with all the media kids see now days I don't think it'll change. But as for me, I like to keep my style clean, classic, and simple, and that way I can use the same wardrobe pieces year after year. I still wear some shirts that I had over 10 years ago, and they still look up to date. |
Mr.Jingles 24.01.2005 14:49 |
I think that part of growing up and maturing (particularly on teenagers) means to realize that wearing expensive brand name clothes as well as owning a whole bunch of other material possessions, doesn't mean that if you don't have these things people won't find you cool. Of course, a lot of kids and teens are just discovering the world and learing to build their characters, but there's of course a huge influence coming from narrow minded, spoiled, rich and popular kids who think that the rest of the people of their age should look up to them for what they have (or more like, what their parents gave them) and not for what they have inside their heads. Later through life they will realize that nothing makes a person be more cool than not giving a shit about what other people think of you, and not pretending to act or look cool to be appreciated by others. |
KillerQueen840 24.01.2005 14:55 |
I don't get to wear my normal clothes that much cos I need to wear uniforms at my Catholic high school. So I only have a few pair of jeans and some shirts and that's it. My shopping routine: Go to Bob's once a month to once every two months or whenever they are having a sale and look at what's on the clearance racks. I'm mainly into styles that have been out for quite some time anyways. I also love to mix and match!! Not to mention that I own A LOT of make up and hardly ever wear it. Rarely, I'll put it on, then I'll think I look horrible and then I'll wipe it off and I'll look worse than when I started. |
deleted user 24.01.2005 14:57 |
As for me, I'd go buy clothes that never go out of style. (quite cliche ain't it) |
good old fashioned lovergirl 24.01.2005 15:41 |
i have to confess i used to be a big label junkie, but now i just wear what im comfortable in, although i do think you have to pay for the right fit and quality. i do consider myself trendy...is that bad? |
Mr.Jingles 24.01.2005 15:46 |
Being trendy is actually not particularly bad in all terms. What is absolutely wrong is picking your friends, or making fun of others based on what they wear. |
Monte: Liquorice Years 25.01.2005 03:10 |
im not trendy at the time...but i make the fashion!! (well, sorta!) i have my own fashion: loud, colourful and in your face!!! i believe in layers upon layers! stockings (especially fishnets), things that shine, heavy make-up (if i really want to go out), high heels (pink/green most the time), hair messy, lots of jewellery (and i mean lots!!), i love arm warmers!! (i have black fishnet ones...and i want pax's black and purple one) and just anything that nobodies wearing. if someones wearing it (unless i like them) i wont wear it!! oh, and i always have black on, even if its just my bra...must wear black |
LiveAidQueen 25.01.2005 05:53 |
Well I'm absolutly not trendy at all! I consider comfort, but I still try to look nice. It's not my top priority though... |
deleted user 25.01.2005 12:41 |
A lot of people around me wear these designer clothes. Not me, I feel uncomfortable. |
Mean Mistreater 25.01.2005 12:45 |
Monte: Liqourice Years wrote: heavy make-up (if i really want to go out hair messy oh, and i always have black on, even if its just my bra...must wear blackYES! Always have black on, and messy hair is a must! I like the heavy heavy eye makeup, no lipstick look |
Gunpowder Gelatine 25.01.2005 14:30 |
I love fashion and clothes, but I'm not actually trendy. I'll just wear whatever catches my eye. I'm obsessed with jewelry, though. All my friends say I'm a raccoon because I like anything shiny! ;) |
DoctorNine 27.01.2005 22:06 |
I am DEFINITELY not trendy. I couldn't care less what other people think of me. I just want to be happy with myself, like what LivingGirl said. If other people like what I wear, find with me. I don't care. If they don't that's their own problem. |
newcastle 86! 16483 28.01.2005 18:21 |
well...........im very trendy! |
Monte: Liquorice Years 28.01.2005 19:35 |
MarchOfTheDirtQueen wrote: Like, EW! Like, why am I on a site full of retards that don't know fashion. EW!! *looks down nose at everyone* :p (for the sods that are thinking of taking me seriously, I was being SARCASTIC!!!)baha! sods.... (hey, i love british insults...so sue me!) |
FairyQueen 28.01.2005 22:55 |
I think I'm trendy. People complement me on my clothes in school.I am a slave to fashion,but I don't copy exactly things I see in magazines...I do have a lot of shoes and clothes(7 for all mankind jeans rock)...but I can't stand reading teen fashion magazines because some of the clothes look tacky,but I never really followed the mini skirt trend...it was too slutty for me,but I did buy the mini skirts to wear over my jeans..layering is cool.... After reading "The Stranger" by Albert Camus, I realized that the physical aspects of life are the only things that matter in this irrational world...tangiable things are what give life meaning..things that are not tangiable, are meaningless....it's a very good existential book...sorry for that depressing anecdote....anyway, I think to be trendy is to be different. A trendy person is someone who is usually ahead of the crowd, which is something I try to do. I play three instruments,but I feel happier when expressing myself through clothing.Call me materialistic, but one way or another, we all are... |
Sonja 30.01.2005 07:38 |
well, I don't follow every trend, I have my own style. Most important to me is that my clothes are confortable. I would never force my feet into tight high heels or boots which make my feet ache with every step. But I definitely LOVE fashion and shopping!! I love clothes and accessoires and I can't walk out of H&M without buying at least a bracelet or a cheap top or socks or underwear or..... So I am very girl-ish when it comes to shopping... |
MexQueenFM 30.01.2005 18:07 |
i'm starting to be trendy, i've gotten rid of many t-shirts lately, and been buying some dress pants and "cool" clothes, lots of sweaters and dressy shirts, i'm trying to be as trendy as i can be, i just wish i had more spare money to buy more expensive clothes "if you look nice , you feel confident" |
Goo 30.01.2005 21:18 |
I'm a little bit trendy . . . more in terms of overall style, though, than in individual garments. For instance: I'll wear things with trendy colour co-ordinations / cuts, but I don't buy a specific garment just because lots of people have it, and I don't pay attention to brand names. More than anything, though, I try to buy things that look good together, that fit me well, that flatter my body type, and that aren't too expensive. I love the idea of being stylish, but I don't let it rule my lifestyle or my bank account. |
SergeantPepperDG 30.01.2005 22:17 |
Well, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person I know who owns a pair of big, rubber, yellow rain boots with flowers on them, and a pair of big, white zip-up go-go/stripper/drag queen boots with 5 inch heels. |