Tickets go on sale on Saturday 22 Jan at 10.00 a.m. for the Wembley areana concert for those of you who are interested. Sorry if this has already been mentioned only i'm in a rush and wanted to help you all that wanted to go and see them there.
Yeah i am Linda. I got tickets this morning. I'm on the right hand side 16 rows from the front. I'm looking so forward to it. Are you going to Wembley Linda. If you didn't order the tickets this morning you're too late! I wanted to maybe meet up with you there. You can still try to order them though if you wanted but i think they sold out within about an hour. Sorry i didn't reply earlier Linda. I'll email you later.
<font color=#8A2BE2> Linda Of The Valley wrote: Wow that's quick for selling out!! I wasn't planning to go there anyway, I'm waiting til they come to Ireland..hopefully they will. Now I can't meet up...:-( Ah, well...enjoy your concert!! Are you gonna meet up with anyone from queenzone?
Ah, Sorry to hear you can't go Linda. I can probably meet up with you somewhere else sometime at another event or something. There's bound to be something that will happen where we might meet up like a convention or something. Wait and see ay. I don't think i'll be meeting up with anyone from QZ.
Not me, Im going to Manchester. But its actually at Wembley Pavillion, just across from the Arena. The Arena is closed til 2006 because of Refurbishment.
well i would be but as i got tickets 4 brixton i have decidd to sell either my nec tickets or my wembley ones, nec is more accessible for me but wembleys last night of european tour and wonder if theyll have something extra special lined up ie/ guests etc or might that be the first at brixton.......
If anyone does decide to sell thier Wembely tickets then please let me know. I am going, but I have 2 friends who couldn't get tickets and desperately want to go, but do not want to line tout's pockets.
Thanks Daniel
(replace the *AT* with at and the *DOT* with .)