LiveAidQueen 20.01.2005 15:19 |
Do you fellow high schoolers have to write term papers? We have to do them in order to graduate...What did you do them on if you do? They are kinda hard. :( |
KillerQueen840 20.01.2005 15:38 |
I don't do those papers..or atleast not yet. But, I have been taking mid-term tests all week this week and my last one is tomorrow. They are an hour and a half each and I don't think I did the greatest on my Latin and English one I took today..:-/ |
deleted user 20.01.2005 15:41 |
What's the topic all about? I usually do prewriting, and a bit of research on the internet, and some pondering. Then I wait. And wait. Wait some more. Wait a bit longer. If you wish to make an excellent paper, let serendipity come to you. You can't force her to implant some knowledge, BAM! just like that. You have to invite inspiration and allow it to present itself to you. That is the reason why I do my term papers the day before submission. Cramming is a secret, although I will not suggest that you do your papers in a mad rush. Another thing is that, will the faculty allow rough drafts? Because if they do, you will learn immensely from your errors. That will help a lot. It helped me a lot, let me tell you. |
Mr.Jingles 20.01.2005 15:42 |
There are websites online where people can actually download term papers. However, becareful because many teachers are aware of this issue, and there's actually many sites created to help teachers find or detect plagiarized term papers. So before trying to download anything, make sure you know your teacher really well. I however recommend doing the research by yourself, it's safe and you truly learn by writing the term paper yourself. A lot of teachers give the option to students to pick a topic. I for once have picked subjects of my interest and I have to say that I've enjoyed working on most of my term papers. Now in case you're asigned a topic you have no interest whatsover, then go ahead and download a freakin' term paper. There's nothing more annoying than finding endless information about a boring or complicated subject. I prefer term paper a lot more to exams. At least you're most likely guaranteed to get a good great on a term paper you worked really hard on, than to study your ass off and then forgetting what you studied for the day of the exam. |
deleted user 20.01.2005 16:32 |
You can get kicked out of colleges for plagiarizing and teachers stress the major troubles that you can get into for not writing your own papers or for stealing other people's work. No matter what the topic, I think you should do it yourself, otherwise why are you in school if you are not going to pull your own weight and try to do a good job on the work? This is just a general question to anyone really. I've had to write lengthy papers about things I have liked and disliked, but I did my best on all of them. I believe cutting corners won't get you anywhere. If you have the choice, Kayla, you should just pick a topic that you are interested in and more importantly, pick something that you know little about, but something you'd actually enjoy learning more about. It makes it so much more interesting when you do the research, because you are doing the work, but your interests are also within the subject. I also advise you to try to work on your term papers continually throughout the semester. One time I had a ten page research paper to write and I worked on it all semester, so I would not be overwhelmed with it by the end of the semester. If you work on it in bits, it will not seem like a great deal of work for you to do. |
geeksandgeeks 20.01.2005 17:01 |
My best piece of advice is, pick a topic that will give them hell. Good teachers love a troublemaker. For example - write a paper on why Euclid was wrong. And, from that, the very foundations of geometry are wrong, meaning that this class we took had no point. Or write about why John Thomas Scopes was the Messiah (if you're into that kind of thing). Write about why modern music is hazardous to one's health. Write about why Dickens sucks. (In more sophisticated terms.) (No offense intended to Dickens or any Dickens fans.) The trick is to pick a topic that no one else will think of, and write it well. Wins every time. Which reminds me, I need to go finish my paper on the topic of the century. Saviorism. |
Lisser 20.01.2005 20:17 |
My angel side says Miss James is right and my devil side says Geeks is right! ;) My Senior year at university, yes good ole NKU Geeks, I had a 50 page policy paper due. I started it in October and finished it in April. I am so glad I didn't procrastinate. That paper was 50% of our final grade in the class. I got an "A" thank God!!! I did it on Nursing Home Quality of Care and our government's role in regulating it. I know that probably sounds morbid to most but I am a Social Worker and although now I work in the education field, I started out doing social work in nursing homes and hospitals with the geriatric population. It was sickening to me on what I found once I started researching the lack of care our elders get when they are ill or in their final days. I def agree with Miss James on picking a topic that you are interested in and want to learn more about. You'll be surprised how easy it will be for you to write your paper. Everything will flow! Good luck Kayla! |
iGSM 20.01.2005 21:08 |
I must admit I plagarised some of my papers on Mao Tse Tsung and the Long March-Great Leap Forward but that was because I was lazy. Yep, lazy. |
DoctorNine 20.01.2005 21:28 |
LiveAidQueen wrote: Do you fellow high schoolers have to write term papers? We have to do them in order to graduate...What did you do them on if you do? They are kinda hard. :(Yes! We had to write one on "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. Mr.Jingles79 wrote: There are websites online where people can actually download term papers.Yeah, I know. Our teachers have software now that allows them to scan the product for possible plaigarism. And that's cheating, anyway! I wouldn't do something like that. I wouldn't be able to go very long without admitting it, anyway. geeksandgeeks wrote: Or write about why John Thomas Scopes was the Messiah (if you're into that kind of thing).LOL... That's a good one. |
LiveAidQueen 21.01.2005 14:29 |
Well we have been doing it for about 3 weeks now. We have to have 4 sources and all that stuff and 20 notescards for each source, and right now I only have 3. I heard about looking them up online but I think that's stupid. I chose to do my on John Lennon's Murder. I know alot about it already. Only 3 more weeks to go! |
deleted user 21.01.2005 14:39 |
Finding sources online can be very helpful, just so long as the source looks reliable. If it's a cheap website, you may wanna look elsewhere. I would usually go online, find lots of information at one time, read through the info, and then throw away/keep whichever sources I thought were the best. So maybe sometime you should just look around and see what your options are. Also using books was usually what I liked best (though it depended on the topic). If I were you, I'd go to local libraries and see what could be found. Good luck with it! |
Zander05 22.01.2005 19:38 |
I'm currently working on my senior research paper. The beautiful thing is I get to pick my topic. So I either go with Queen or something to do with GLBT issues. I figured Queen would be too typical for me so I'm now working on the history of glbt discrimination. |
Music Man 22.01.2005 20:03 |
Mr.Jingles79 wrote: There are websites online where people can actually download term papers. However, becareful because many teachers are aware of this issue, and there's actually many sites created to help teachers find or detect plagiarized term papers. So before trying to download anything, make sure you know your teacher really well. Now in case you're asigned a topic you have no interest whatsover, then go ahead and download a freakin' term paper. There's nothing more annoying than finding endless information about a boring or complicated subject.That's one nice set of morals you have there. |
LiveAidQueen 24.01.2005 15:18 |
Tee hee. I have to go to the library after school to find my final source then do 20 notecards on it tonight, then tomorrow we organize the best cards and then we start writing it. Sigh! |
Mr.Jingles 24.01.2005 15:24 |
Music Man wrote:Thanks man, I love how you take things so seriously.Mr.Jingles79 wrote: There are websites online where people can actually download term papers. However, becareful because many teachers are aware of this issue, and there's actually many sites created to help teachers find or detect plagiarized term papers. So before trying to download anything, make sure you know your teacher really well. Now in case you're asigned a topic you have no interest whatsover, then go ahead and download a freakin' term paper. There's nothing more annoying than finding endless information about a boring or complicated subject.That's one nice set of morals you have there. |
Maz 24.01.2005 15:30 |
LiveAidQueen wrote: Tee hee. I have to go to the library after school to find my final source then do 20 notecards on it tonight, then tomorrow we organize the best cards and then we start writing it. Sigh!what were your first three sources? Newspapers, perhaps? Or bios on Lennon? |
Mr.Jingles 24.01.2005 15:44 |
LiveAidQueen wrote: Well we have been doing it for about 3 weeks now. We have to have 4 sources and all that stuff and 20 notescards for each source, and right now I only have 3. I heard about looking them up online but I think that's stupid. I chose to do my on John Lennon's Murder. I know alot about it already. Only 3 more weeks to go!I would love to see your report on John Lennon's murder. A couple of months ago I watched this show on the Biography channel about Mark David Chapman and his motives to kill John Lennon. Actually, I just found out that it will air again, the next Monday. You might want to watch it, it might help your report: NOTORIOUS ------------ (Biography Channel) January 31 10:00pm - Eastern Time "The John Lennon Assassination" Mark David Chapman stalks and murders Beatle John Lennon |
LiveAidQueen 25.01.2005 05:51 |
Ohh, I would love to watch that. I've seen several shows on it, but I don't think I've seen that one. My first source was the internet, then the last 3 are books. Well I have to type the final copy so it will be on my computer, I can send it to you when it's all finished. It will be a few weeks though. I'm busy busy busy! Oooh, How are things going at "the big place" Amanda? :-) |
deleted user 25.01.2005 10:31 |
Do you mean college, Kayla? If so, it's going alright. I have had to skip classes for the last two days due to having an infection (and I had thought it was an everyday cold!), which I hate cos I don't like missing classes, but oh well. My classes are pretty good this semester, so I have no complaints. :^) I'd like to read your paper on Lennon once you get it finished. I'm sure you're a hard worker and the end result will be a good one! |