and btw... i have to confess... i'm in love with myself!!! :D
i will be a bit slow in replying on qz and emails cause i have tons of things to do and i dont have an internet connection yet at home because they are changing it and do it through the univ.
so i gotta apologise to all the special friends i have here for not being as quick as i used to be.
kisses to all,
Crap! I knew Taylor Hanson was an evangelist.
Peter: Meg hasn't been this happy since that bus broke down in front of our house.
*Hansons' tour bus is broken down in front of the Griffin's house*
Zac: Hey man, our bus broke down. Can we use your phone?
Peter: Holy crap! It's the Children of the Corn! *blasts them away with a shotgun*
Lets be honest, Queen in the 80s were a pale shadow of the band from the 70s. If a band had come out with Flash, Hot Space, and half the stuff on The Game and The Works without having had Bohemian Rhapsody et al to go before them, they wouldn't have lasted I don't think. Look at the set list for Milton Keynes-the best songs are the old ones, and the new ones are lacking. I mean, Hot Space really is crap. Staying Power and Cool Cat are good, the rest do nothing for me.
But it's all irrelevant anyway when you bring Hanson into the mix!