C'mon admit it! You're driving along and a Queen song comes on the radio. What do you do? Turn it up full blast and sing along! Well I admit to it. So who's been caught out?
I'll start the ball rolling - this happened to me not more than half an hour ago.
I've just ducked over to do some late night shopping. No one else is in the car park. Turn the key in the ignition and what comes on the radio? "Somebody to Love". So as it comes up to that great drum crescendo at the end and I'm banging in time on the steering wheel and who should happen along but two trolley boys who look at me like I'm not from this planet. Embarassing? NAH! I just start up the car, give them a big smile and a wave and I'm on my merry way!
I'm driving 40 km/h (that's the speed limit) on an empty road in the evening. I'm listening to I Want It All very loud and singing along (very loud too). Suddenly I get this amazing idea to add some more speed. In just one second I'm travelling at 65 km/h. One second from that I pass a street and see a "hidden" police car. Well, you'll guess the rest...
Funny story, TRUE story:
Had my first naughty moment with a gal in my car (the first naughty moment in car, not the first naughty moment per se)
and we listened to a cassette I made. Right after our business was finished, the tape started side two, and out of the speakers, Freddie yelled: "My love is dangerous!"
How very appropriate, Mr. Mercury.
Good topic!
BEST: Van full of members of my high school speech team. Car radio's on. They've been playing a string of really good songs - "Seasons in the Sun" and "One Toke Over the Line", two songs which I think the radio should play more often. Then, "Killer Queen" comes on the car radio. EVERYONE knows the words. We all start singing along to it. Before long, it's me on the high parts, one of the other choir guys on the low parts, and everyone else on the chorus, and we sounded surprisingly good. Major bonding moment. And then my partner and I made it to finals.
WORST: Not exactly a car radio, but a headphone moment. I was listening to "Friends Will Be Friends," with one of my friends on his headphones. Oh, you should hear me, my friend, and Freddie do our rendition of that song (not to brag or anything). Words cannot convey the emotion that we were feeling, an eloquent mixture of joyous love and hopeful understanding and the horror of realizing that our physics teacher is staring at us from across the yard, forcing my friend and me to fake coughing fits while Freddie finishes the song on his own. I'm never going to hear the end of that one from Mr. Turner - thank God he at least has a sense of humor.
A few of my friends and I were taking a walk one day and we decided to have a sing-along! So of course, Bohemian Rhapsody is always a great choice for a sing-along, so we were singing that at the top of our lungs. The neighbors probably weren't happy, but we had fun. We've also sung-along to Bohemian Rhapsody blasted in the car a few times!
deleted user 18.01.2005 19:49
My car's so spartan (it was a former Federal gov't car), it doesn't even have a cassette player, only an AM/FM tuner. So whatever Queen tunes that comes out of my classic rock station, I just live it up. Fortunately, most of them were 'classic' Queen, so to speak. Not like BBTLB, or GOFLB, or something as gay as that. When it's something like STL or FBG, I open my windows, turn it up a bit, and enjoy the music. Some people look suprised, and some even enjoy the music. The mood's destroyed, however, when a rice rocket (import tuner-fakers) comes by with his chest-pounding speakers that threaten to pop the screws off his dinky car, blaring out awful rap music with overly bassy tunes. I'm not looking for fights because of what I play on the radio, so I just revert the volume to a bit above normal, and mind my own business.
My friend's mom was taking my friend and me to IKEA, which is a fairly long drive. I brought my iPod and we hooked it up to the car stereo. We opened the windows, and we completely BLASTED "I Want To Break Free" at top volume on the speakers. Since we turned the bass all the way up, the whole car was shaking.
I was listening to a homemade Queen compilation album really loud once, and I'd burned one of the songs far too loud. The first note almost blew my expensive speakers, so I groped and fumbled for the volume switch. Unfortunately, I took my eye off the road and knocked over and killed an old man!
The next day, I went back and re-burned the CD properly.
The best would have to be hearing Headlong out of the blue when it was first released in early 1991. The sheer excitement of being caught totally off guard by it. There was no internet to get early tips. I happened to turn on the radio while driving to band pratice. I was so pumped up after that I had the rehersal of my life! Shame it wasn't on the way to a gig!
Worst moment is later that same year driving home from a friends about 9:30 or so on a Sunday night. The DJ interupted the song on the radio and announced Freddie's passing. Then proceded to play about 30 min. of rare Queen including You & I.