Umm....are you talking about "Back To The Light" or "Another World"? BTTL is GRADE-A GREAT! Haven't heard AW in its entirety yet, but it's on the way. I can tell you that I liked every track I DID hear from it.
ryancoke wrote: Umm....are you talking about "Back To The Light" or "Another World"? BTTL is GRADE-A GREAT! Haven't heard AW in its entirety yet, but it's on the way. I can tell you that I liked every track I DID hear from it.
Ive just won it on Ebay yesterday. On 12" LP still in its original wrapping. Is it worth anything cos its pretty rare. I dont want to open the wrapping! And its something Ive never heard.
Definately could benefit from some more variety: it's basically the same melody over and over. I enjoy listening to it, though. Dream of Thee is absolutely brilliant. I love the guitar solo.