i'd love to see a queen movie only if its a big mult-million pound movie, not some cheap uk production,
i mean queen were the most extravigant band out there, i read some where freddie made elton john look like a wall flower in terms of extravigance.
I honestly dont know if they could really make a movie out of a band..
They did well for Thunderstruck (AC\DC fan movie) but what would they do with Queen? I dont think a documentary movie would go very far and they cant copy Thunderstruck..
MarchOfTheDirtQueen wrote: Man, I always get just a little bit worried about these biopicflicks, they always either go a little overboard or they don't tell the whole truth. My personal 'favourite' is when they make people out to be complete assholes when the people weren't necessarily as awful at all. :S
Like when Oliver Stone made the Doors movie all those years ago? He made Morrison look like a total jerk off! Everyone including the band hated Jim's depiction in the movie. IT was totally one sided.
Two maybe three good scriptwriters and a ton of focus meetings and gallons of Sierra Mist soda and pounds of salted peanuts later, maybe the world will have something about the early struggles, highlights like Bo Rhap, WWRY, breaking big in Japan, AOBTD, South America, conflict over South Afryka, Live Aid triumph, Magic Tour, controversey Miracle/Innuendo years,Tribute/MIH, close curtain. Sprinkle with cameo quotes like Magic Years vhs.
It would be interesting for Penelope Spheeris to direct, since she did Wayne's World and Decline of Western Civilization.
if 'hollywood' made a movie about queen they would probably make most of it up to be a 'good' movie. they would make freddie and john lovers and make most of it about freddie's sexuality aswell as lots of rreferences to other famous people. i doubt they would focus on their music and give an accurate account of the band.
<font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote: I have a perfect Freddie-actor, he played in the movie 'Dangerous Minds': Wade Dominguez, you can see (a pretty lousy, watch the movie) picture here:
WOAH! In my opinion, he looks almost EXACTLY like him! (But notice I said ALMOST...)
What does he sound like?