Roger had about 72 kits at one point, so he could make the odd tantrum and trash one, he had enough spare. And even if he hadn't, receiviing half of the Bo Rhap royalties he surely would have enough money for buying another one.
Roger with green hair... SCARY...
I can see how Freddie would hate that.
And why would Roger get half of the royalties for Bo Rhap? Did he help write it or something?
Sebastian wrote: Roger had about 72 kits at one point, so he could make the odd tantrum and trash one, he had enough spare. And even if he hadn't, receiviing half of the Bo Rhap royalties he surely would have enough money for buying another one.
Aren't the royalties supposed to be divided 2/3 for the A-Side, 1/3 for the B-Side?