i don't mind the admin taking unilateral action to "tidy things up" on the forum...esp the postcount but if the HTML has to go (although i don't see that a bit of colour does any harm) then so be it...
but let's have a level playing field here Richard - there's still people posting in BOLD and Italics - now either we have total unity/blandness - or some flexibility.
the html was useful - if i looked within a thread - i could easily review what i'd posted earlier by looking down the left pane for the colour....saved some time.....the italics and bold are just people being flash - why is that still okay - it's certainly harder on the eye than a bit of colour
<B><font color=#ff7f00>Brenski</B> wrote: i don't mind the admin taking unilateral action to "tidy things up" on the forum...esp the postcount but if the HTML has to go (although i don't see that a bit of colour does any harm) then so be it...
but let's have a level playing field here Richard - there's still people posting in BOLD and Italics - now either we have total unity/blandness - or some flexibility.
the html was useful - if i looked within a thread - i could easily review what i'd posted earlier by looking down the left pane for the colour....saved some time.....the italics and bold are just people being flash - why is that still okay - it's certainly harder on the eye than a bit of colour
Martin, whilst I agree with what you said there are some on here that abused the privilege. Just check out Charles Webster's wee wee poo poo scrolling marquee THREAD nonsense and you'll see the levels of stupidity it can get to.
so isn't it easier to ban the offenders rather than reduce the board to monotone?
and anyway...no-one has answered my question re the use of bold and italics in replies
So I'm seen as a god around here, am I?
Don't talk such utter shite. I am a fucking God around here. And did you notice that God had a capital G? Consider yourself lucky that I am a merciful god but if you ever forget to put a capital G at the front of my name again, I'll smite you with a fucking big thunderbolt up yer hole.
Have you got that? You mortal scum.
P.S That's Mr Fatty to you.