I use exactly the Sony mic you mentioned and it can give great results - IF other conditions are good enough (I must set the sound volume very carefully - not too loud, not soo silent).
I'd buy a clip-on mic, like the cheaper model above.
However, if you want a good sound (enough highs and low-ends, no bass distortion etc.) you need to buy something more expensive than just 10-30 euro mic. I bought mine back in 2002 and it costed 105 euros. It's Sony ECM-717 (the newer model of this is ECM-719) and nowadays it costs around 60-75 euros, if you can still find it in a store. Check this site, it has nice comparisons regarding Sony mics: link
I think this clip-on feature is very important as then you don't have to hold it in your hand all the time. Just remember to be quiet during the show and try to avoid touching the mic while recording..
please read my comment on this topic:link
i own the sony ecm-717 for many years but these mics are much better and smaller(to smuggle in) and not so much more expensive
Well, the 907 is not as good as the 717. I'll let you hear the difference for yourself on this site - link
My recent find, just over six months ago are the simple tie-clip mics from Maplin.co.uk. Amazing low end can be found on these and even a very well represented high end. Trust me, check these tie-clip mics out. The quality will astound you. And yes, they're cheap too. I got a pair of these Yoga mics - link
...and amazingly, they sound absolutely astonishing. And it was only £10 a piece! But my brother bought one of the £20 mics and its top-end was much smoother. Seriously, check these seemingly insignificant mics out!! Sometimes, it's just easier than using the more pro mics and just as nice.
deleted user 17.01.2005 04:52
Thank you very much for your post, Adam! It's very interesting.
Could you just provide us the link for the 20 GBP mic? I may be interested in buying it.
Thank you again!
This is the one my brother has - link
It's very nice, as a simple room recording showed. He simply switched on his PA and recorded the result. It just sounded soooo smooth. Maybe I should get a pair of those mics, too.