Has anyone seen any of Christopher Guest's "mockumentaries" (Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind)? My family and I are huge fans and we own all of his movies on DVD. Personally, my favorite is "Best in Show."
Best in Show. Wasnt that the one about the dog breeders?? That was on TV a few months back. I really enjoyed it. Spinal Tap was on the TV last week. That always makes me laugh.
Zeni's right, as ever. ;^)
I have been a fan of Christopher Guest and Co. for years. Spinal Tap will always be my favorite and following that is Waiting For Guffman.
Last summer I was actually an extra for a movie that Fred Willard and John Michael Higgins were in. And I have seen David Cross' comedy routine (he was in Waiting For Guffman). I've made it my quest to see/meet the cast of "Guest" films. :^)
deleted user 09.01.2005 17:50
My favorite is Spinal Tap followed by Best in Show. And the Princess Bride even though that is not one of Christopher Guests. :)
I don't know what you guys are talking about because This is Spinal Tap is the greatest movie ever made. It even gives Citizen Kane a run for its money.
Music Man wrote: I don't know what you guys are talking about because This is Spinal Tap is the greatest movie ever made. It even gives Citizen Kane a run for its money.
Hey... I like Fran Drescher. "The Nanny" was one of my favorite shows when I was little. I still enjoy watching reruns. It was the only sitcom I knew of where the main character was Jewish.
A Mighty Wind is probably my favourite. It really makes me appreciate all the actors' talents (instruments, singing, songwriting). I really would like to get the soundtrack but I haven't seen it around.