I just swallowed my gum watching the Queen and Paul Rodgers performance!!! It was AMAZING folks! This guy has done GREAT rock songs with Free, Bad Company, and The Firm and I understand how some of you Europeans don't know what rock n' roll is with your, um, whatever Oasis and Darkness are BUT here in the U.S. there are at least Classic Rock stations to still jam out too and while not perfect are alright. Don't worry he is a good in shape singer and performer AND his back catelogs are great too. He ain't shabby in any way. That was FREAKIN" AWESOME people!!! I just watched "Alright Now" and it too was GREAT!!! I can't wait people!!! Wasn't that an awsome new version of "We Will Rock"?!!!
-> I just swallowed my "gum"
I was half-asleep while reading this the first time, thinking it said something else. Geez, what happened to my mind?
Come on, it's a similar consonant!
deleted user 08.01.2005 01:20
Sir GH<br><font size=1>ah yeah</font> wrote: -> I just swallowed my "gum"
I was half-asleep while reading this the first time, thinking it said something else. Geez, what happened to my mind?
Come on, it's a similar consonant!
"An old wives' tale states that chewing gum, if swallowed, may take up to seven years to become fully digested, and that swallowing gum could also result in the substance becoming lodged in the oesophagus. This is untrue, and although chewing gum does resist complete digestion by the body, it is expelled like other foods, though relatively unchanged. There is also a very low risk of gum becoming lodged inside the body."
Thank you, Wikipedia.
Also it causes you to die.
That was all too funny you all! Thanks for your comments...and while not bad for us humans letting your dog and I'm sure other animals eat gum can be really bad for them as I think THEY might die from it or it may be at the least really difficult for them to digest. Maybe the length of time is years for them...I don't know. Anyway! So have you all seen or heard the performance? What did you all think? Wasn't it cool how Roger Taylor played "We Will Rock You" the new way with the drums?!