If you look very closely to sleeve of Hollywood Records' re-release of 'The Works' album - there's very small line (size of font is very small - it seems just as a short line) above letter 'Q' in word 'Queen'! Something like "ST-42...". I don't know if that is on other releases of the album or this is just an error of some copies, but does anybody know - what is it and what that number could means?
(Sorry if it has been posted before)
deleted user 03.01.2005 18:12
There seems to be small mistakes on quite a few hollywood record CDs dosn't there. This may not be a mistake but there's bloody loads if you look at the complete collection of hollywood records.
On the exact same spot there's a sort of the same code on the original USA-vinyl album. On my copy it says 'ST-12322' (so not '24'), but that might be because the sleeve I now look at is the promo-edition... I don't have the regular USA-pressing by hand right now... It's also on the spine and label of the record so it ought to be just a sort of cathalogue number and no subliminal satanic (or fonts-) code ;-)
often when they re-release records on cd, with different distribution companies, the album is given a new release number. when they do not so great repackaging of the artwork, as in this case and many others, they often simply copy or 'clone' a similar part of the artwork and cover up the old number. usually the cd format has the new catalog number in a different spot. with many old albums released originaly on vinyl, the original componets that made up the artwork for the cover are missing or destroyed, so the new cd artist has to work with whats available.