but we already have two other threads on the subject...
Sorry. I must have missed them. I'm in a rush this evening. Anyway i'll say it again...
Happy new year.
We don't do much homework at my school. In fact were never given any. I think as i'm in year 10 and am starting on my GCSE coursework i should try to do more homework in the new year and start studying for my exams even though there still about a year and a half away.
My resolutions:
-Get a job and actually make it last longer than McDonald's!
-Get all the Pokemon movies as they are released (even fansubbed online if I have to!)
-Collect even more shitloads of anime
-Be nicer towards people
MarchOfTheDirtQueen wrote: HAHA!! I beat everyone to it! I beat everyone to 2005!! Well, happy new year...
- Be crazier and weirder and get more people worried about my psychological state (bonus points for being institutionalized).
LOL! That's a good one, I might just add it onto my list of things to do in 2005 (without being institutionalized, though. I'd never hear the end of that one)...
Well, my New Years Res. is to finally get laid.. YEP.. with a HUMAN female.. of course that all depends on if my girlfriend is released or not.. but hey.. that is MINE.. oh, and to lose some weight.. <puts down the box of creme filled donuts, then picks them back up..> NEXT YEAR..
MarchOfTheDirtQueen wrote: HAHA!! I beat everyone to it! I beat everyone to 2005!! Well, happy new year...
- Be crazier and weirder and get more people worried about my psychological state (bonus points for being institutionalized).
LOL! That's a good one, I might just add it onto my list of things to do in 2005 (without being institutionalized, though. I'd never hear the end of that one)...