bassist08 26.12.2004 14:38 |
I personally as a HUGE John fan liked it best when it was long in the early 70's. It was alright in the late 70's too. The worst, however, has to be that big, fro-like stlye he had in the 80's. |
Shane Jazz 26.12.2004 14:54 |
Best: The short Birdman look of the Jazz tour-era... Worst: yup, you guessed it, The Works-era afro! |
Gunpowder Gelatine 26.12.2004 15:00 |
I love his afro. It's just hilarious! :) But in terms of coolest hair, it's probably the worst. For me, the best is his long hair in the 70's. |
bassist08 26.12.2004 15:22 |
LOL!! The fro is particularly funny in the Radio GA GA video when they're in the car and it's blowing in the wind. i laugh sooo hard every time i watch it. i also wonder how they got it under the wig for I want to break free. Yes, I do like the birdman pretty well too. But right now my hair looks exactly like his in the 70's. I mean it's a mirror image. |
deleted user 26.12.2004 15:25 |
Don't know about coolness, (is that a word) but I loved his hair just after it was cut, like in Crazy little thing... video. Incredibly sexy!! |
Serry... 26.12.2004 15:25 |
Like at 'Spread Your Wings' and 'We Will Rock You' videos. There was a great picture by a Queen's fan with all John's hairstyles and it was printed in one of QFC magazines. |
deleted user 26.12.2004 15:28 |
Oh and bassist08, why haven't you put John as your favourite band member in your profile, if he is?? |
bassist08 26.12.2004 15:28 |
Yes, but then again when hasn't he been sexy? : ) |
deleted user 26.12.2004 15:29 |
Serry Funster wrote: Like at 'Spread Your Wings' and 'We Will Rock You' videos. There was a great picture by a Queen's fan with all John's hairstyles and it was printed in one of QFC magazines.They could have fun trying to do that with Brian's hair!! |
deleted user 26.12.2004 15:30 |
bassist08 wrote: Yes, but then again when hasn't he been sexy? : )Ah ha but I said he was "incredibly sexy", not just sexy! ;) |
bassist08 26.12.2004 15:30 |
Dust_Biter, I didn't know i could. I'm still pretty new to things around here. Also could you tell me to reply to a post with one of those little white boxes that has some one elses post in it? Do you know what i mean? |
deleted user 26.12.2004 15:33 |
Yeah you do it by going on Members at the top of the screen, then My Profile or something. And you can select "quote this message" and "edit" and "reply" from the three buttons above a message. |
Serry... 26.12.2004 15:35 |
<b><font color="orange">Dust_Biter</b> wrote:Or with the Jim Beach hairstyle.....Serry Funster wrote: Like at 'Spread Your Wings' and 'We Will Rock You' videos. There was a great picture by a Queen's fan with all John's hairstyles and it was printed in one of QFC magazines.They could have fun trying to do that with Brian's hair!! |
bassist08 26.12.2004 15:35 |
<b><font color="orange">Dust_Biter</b> wrote: Yeah you do it by going on Members at the top of the screen, then My Profile or something. And you can select "quote this message" and "edit" and "reply" from the three buttons above a message.AH! YES! MANY MANY THANKS! |
deleted user 26.12.2004 15:44 |
I will wait in anticipation for the updating of your profile!! Sorry I am so excited I have just ordered Live at Wembley!! *bows* |
bassist08 26.12.2004 15:47 |
<b><font color="orange">Dust_Biter</b> wrote: I will wait in anticipation for the updating of your profile!! Sorry I am so excited I have just ordered Live at Wembley!! *bows*I already have it on dvd. IT ROCKS SOOO FRICKIN' HARD!!! |
Matti 26.12.2004 16:09 |
Long or afro! |
The Fairy King 26.12.2004 16:13 |
Melancholy Blues 26.12.2004 17:47 |
i think he looks quite sexy around the early eighties especially in crazy little thing called love video, he also looks quite good with long hair. his worst would definately be the afro years. he dosen't look too bad at wembley, but it is shocking at live aid (the outfit dosen't help much!) i've always thought john to be the most attractive out of the band. his face has this very innocent look about it, almost like a child. |
Rotwang 26.12.2004 20:28 |
Short |
Mr. Farenheit 26.12.2004 23:53 |
Here is the pic/poster of Johns hair. Lucky guy....great hair to be able to have so many styles. link |
Rick 27.12.2004 04:51 |
News Of The World-era: link Jazz-era: link |
redyfredy01 27.12.2004 07:23 |
i agree with you bassist08, i love the long hair, but the white boy afro was just too much. |
Iam the one 27.12.2004 11:44 |
he's afro was awesome.He's mid 70's hair was great too. |
deleted user 27.12.2004 11:48 |
Throughout the whole of the 70s. especially the early 70s. |
deleted user 27.12.2004 11:56 |
I liked it short in both the Jazz era and in I Want it All Video. The fro was ok here and there, but I prefer the clean cut hair. |
deleted user 27.12.2004 12:22 |
I also like his hair from 1989 to 1995. havn't seen many other pics of it from 1995. |
deleted user 27.12.2004 16:16 |
the_hero wrote: Radio gaga!! |
Deacons 1st Choice 27.12.2004 19:58 |
To Serry and others who have mentioned and posted links to the "John Deacon Hair History" artwork....THANKS!!! I found it rather tickling that after all these years, that design is STILL being enjoyed by John's Fans. I drew this fun picture ages ago and always thought it a good laugh...never dreamed it would become such a fan favourite and go "mainstream". Thanks for remembering it, i'm absolutely delighted to see it is still being enjoyed. LONG LIVE THE DEACY DO'!!!! |
KillerQueen840 27.12.2004 21:03 |
I loved his 80's hair style. |
DoctorNine 27.12.2004 23:16 |
I prefer the long hair, like in the picture of the single for "You're My Best Friend" but I liked the fro too. It looks hilarious! |
Mr. Farenheit 28.12.2004 01:52 |
Deacons 1st Choice wrote: To Serry and others who have mentioned and posted links to the "John Deacon Hair History" artwork....THANKS!!! I found it rather tickling that after all these years, that design is STILL being enjoyed by John's Fans. I drew this fun picture ages ago and always thought it a good laugh...never dreamed it would become such a fan favourite and go "mainstream". Thanks for remembering it, i'm absolutely delighted to see it is still being enjoyed. LONG LIVE THE DEACY DO'!!!!I take it you are the author of this great piece of work? link Great job! Obvious question...has John ever seen it? I would think he would love it. I wish I had someone trace my hair history from the 70's till now. Of hair is nowhere near as cool as Deacys. I love the "Grand Sweep" and the "Beloved Bullethead." Classic! How did you draw the pics? They are very well done and detailed. Are they all freehand?...or? Again.....well done. |
deleted user 28.12.2004 07:18 |
Good art work there. Interesting. |
rachael mae. 28.12.2004 07:51 |
I especially liked the early 70's.. but the worst to me was the whole Radio Ga Ga thing.. |
White or Black 28.12.2004 11:57 |
short |
bassist08 28.12.2004 21:48 |
Wow that pic of his hairstyles was just great!!! I love it alot! This is my first topic. I'm amazed that so many of you have posted! Thank you so much! LONG LIVE DEACY!!! |
Awesome-O _4000 29.12.2004 00:20 |
I LIKE his afro. |
LadyMoonshineDown 29.12.2004 00:23 |
I liked the 1980 hair style that was goin on. Short, but not fro city. His long hair was cute, preferably the early 70's, because after a while....his long hair became rather weird looking. Cheers p.s. but it doesn't matter, because he is hot no matter what. ;) |
OrAnGe SoDa 29.12.2004 00:33 |
his hair looked sexay in 1973-1982,then it looked weird..but hey1u gotta love his fro!i do |
Canadian May Fan 29.12.2004 11:45 |
I like the early 80s style, and '85 onward styles the best... But don't get me started on that horrendous fro he had in Ga Ga! |
deleted user 29.12.2004 12:23 |
bassist08 wrote: LOL!! The fro is particularly funny in the Radio GA GA video when they're in the car and it's blowing in the wind. i laugh sooo hard every time i watch it. i also wonder how they got it under the wig for I want to break free. Yes, I do like the birdman pretty well too. But right now my hair looks exactly like his in the 70's. I mean it's a mirror image.that's my fav hairstyle of his and fav video. I dig the afro, it works for him. |
Deacons 1st Choice 30.12.2004 20:11 |
To Mr. Farenheit and others regarding questions about the "John Deacon's Hair History" artwork featured in links connected to this thread... Yes, i am the artist who drew this...way back in 1996 or so. i have done tons of Queen related artwork, probably being most known for this design as well as the cover of the Spring 95' issue of the OIQFC Magazine, my famous "Queen Paper Dolls" and full colour Queen Stationery as well as countless other works. As asked, yes, i drew the John Hair History freehand like i do with all my work. Both John and Brian have seen and own my work and both have let me know on many occasions how much they enjoy it. Both find it rather entertaining to say the least and I feel honored by this, and i feel even more honored knowing that it is still being enjoyed by Queen Fans everywhere! Thanks again for all the interest and enthusiastic comments! Oh, and what is MY favourite John Hair Era? Oh most certainly the 70's....He looked sharp in both the long and short styles. "Birdman" era was nice well as late 80's (Miracle Era). Shoot, John looks GREAT no matter WHAT hairstyle he has...but i have to draw the line as far as that Live Aid Deacy Do' goes....but then again, even that had merit. It still gives me a good laugh seeing it!! |
ryancoke 31.12.2004 00:12 |
Deacons 1st Choice 02.01.2005 19:49 |
Yeah, ok so John's Afro (aka "The Deacy Do') is popular....i think mainly as it looked so utterly ridiculous. I remember Roger commenting on it in a letter he wrote for the Fan Club Magazine back in 1984 or so....he said "P.S. Yes, that IS still John playing for us with that ridiculous hairstyle!!" And that's a quote! Poor John...he looked like a memeber of the Jackson 5 or was, well, scary in 1985! John looks great no matter WHAT! Yippee!! |
bassist08 05.01.2005 16:02 |
Oh, my I just got Live Aid. There it is the "Deacy Do" in all of it's glory. As he walks around it bounces! Like it has a life of its own! :P I STILL LOVE YOU JOHN!! You'll always be MY sexay man! |
bassist08 05.01.2005 16:03 |
Yes, i am the artist who drew this...way back in 1996 or so. i have done tons of Queen related artwork, probably being most known for this design as well as the cover of the Spring 95' issue of the OIQFC Magazine, my famous "Queen Paper Dolls" and full colour Queen Stationery as well as countless other works. As asked, yes, i drew the John Hair History freehand like i do with all my work. Both John and Brian have seen and own my work and both have let me know on many occasions how much they enjoy it. Both find it rather entertaining to say the least and I feel honored by this, and i feel even more honored knowing that it is still being enjoyed by Queen Fans everywhere! Oh, and what is MY favourite John Hair Era? Oh most certainly the 70's....He looked sharp in both the long and short styles. "Birdman" era was nice well as late 80's (Miracle Era). Shoot, John looks GREAT no matter WHAT hairstyle he has...but i have to draw the line as far as that Live Aid Deacy Do' goes....but then again, even that had merit. It still gives me a good laugh seeing it!! I agree totally! Is there anyway I can see your other artwork? |
Deacons 1st Choice 06.01.2005 20:53 |
Hi there bassist.... I would be more then happy to let you see some of my other work. I actually sell a lot of my designs to collectors and Queen enthusiests at some Conventions as well as mail order ( and now online i guess! LOL!) For details on what i have to offer, send a e-mail to this address for more info and a sample image. |
Deacons 1st Choice 08.01.2005 19:32 |
Another great hairstyle: Long early 70's style...Oooo yeah! |
My Best Friend 08.01.2005 19:52 |
Whichever made you the horniest is the best one. Right? Hair is about sex appeal you know. |
Deacons 1st Choice 08.01.2005 21:10 |
Don't really see it that way really.. John was a sharp looking lad in his day. He would be "sexy" even without hair for some people...! |
foxxy_moron 08.01.2005 22:41 |
Its all sexy, its all cute, its all ADORABLE. I love it all |
foxxy_moron 09.01.2005 02:41 |
bassist08 wrote: Oh, my I just got Live Aid. There it is the "Deacy Do" in all of it's glory. As he walks around it bounces! Like it has a life of its own! :P I STILL LOVE YOU JOHN!! You'll always be MY sexay man!can we share? :) ill be nice :) |