a cople of nights ago i had this dream that made me think about queen but my friends say im mad wot do u say
well it started wen roger and brian where argueing over who could sing better so freddie walked in and said they could both sing and it was stuped to ague over it so brian stomped off in a huff shoutind stuped blondie always gettin his own way at roger making roger realy upset so he sat in the chair and started to cry.
the next mornin brian came to say sorry to roger and walked into his room to say it but only found a bit of paper sayin gone to be a stuped blondie on my own with a signatuer sayin p.s this will be worht more by morning. So brian then went out to find roger and in the rush got in his car and drove off to look for him.
when brian got to the end of the road he took a left turn and started to get faster about 40 mph and started to go down anouther road and hit roger with his cay and roger smashed his head on the curb and breaking both his writs and a leg so then brian dialed 999 and got an ambulance but by the time they got to the hospital roger was on deaths doorstep and died after an hour.
brian went home and told freddie and john what had happened and went to bed as it was 3 in the mornin.
at about midnight the door opened and the bed moved as somethin sat on the bed brian woke up and turned on the lite and saw nothin but there was somethin there.he called out who there but nobody ansered he then turned on the torch and say roger sittin on the end of the bed .
and i woke up do u think this dream was wered or not and if u think that in wered or not
holly is my name wrote: just wondering because my friend wants to know
what do u mean
deleted user 09.12.2004 13:59
I had a dream the other day with Brian, Jouhn and Roger. They were sitting by computers. One a few weeks with Freddie, I was grocery shopping and he was looking at some of the food.
The only 'Queen Dream' I've had was a couple of months ago. It was like watching some odd music video of all them. They were singing something while walking on the sidewalk (kinda like, "look into the camera all serious while we sing on this random sidewalk" thing). But as they were singing, they were transforming from their youth into the stages that they actually went through. It was odd. Woo hoo for odd ones. :)