deleted user 08.12.2004 16:30 |
Just a suggestion for this site: We should have an area for newbies to post in. nothing against them and Of course they can post in other areas to, but in their own area they can post all the shit they want in order to boost their post counters and get answers to simple questions that they are too lazy too look up (eg: "How old is Roger") I've seen it at a few other sites so it could work well and it might clear our board of some junk. |
brENsKi 08.12.2004 16:50 |
yeah, i agree with this...i was a newbie...but i can honestly say if i ever asked questions - they were technical ones...and certainly "how big was roger's dick"? "was freddie postman or postbox", "does anyone like freddie", "which album should i buy first" etc etc |
Serry... 09.12.2004 02:45 |
No way! My being on QZone would be very boring without them :) Actually it should be great if there'd be something like giant FAQ for newbiews with all their questions answered, if they can't find something by themselves and too lazy to do it. But the last thing is to shut up someone, just because you don't like it... I was born in USSR and I remember the times when you couldn't say a lot of things because of all those communistic fuss and I don't wish no to anyone to feel something like that... |
deleted user 09.12.2004 16:25 |
Of course I'm not talking about censorship! But, after thinking about this, I've changed my mind. Someone (Breski ?) suggested opening an interactive FAQ section where people can ask answer-seeking questions (as opposed to discussion questions). That might make the board a bit easier to navigate |
Serry... 09.12.2004 17:07 |
<font size= 2>Look beyondthe<br>Innuendo wrote: Of course I'm not talking about censorship! But, after thinking about this, I've changed my mind. Someone (Breski ?) suggested opening an interactive FAQ section where people can ask answer-seeking questions (as opposed to discussion questions). That might make the board a bit easier to navigateIt was me, I guess: "Actually it should be great if there'd be something like giant FAQ for newbiews with all their questions answered, if they can't find something by themselves and too lazy to do it." |
brENsKi 09.12.2004 17:25 |
i think he was referring to my post in another thread Serry mate as for the control of comuunism...i think this is different USSR prevented free speech (full stop) we're nto talking (pardon pun) about free speech, we're talking about free stupidity and free if we setup an area with FAQs then problems solved - barring the occasional nugget slipping through the "prospecting pan" |
LadyMoonshineDown 09.12.2004 18:06 |
I couldn't agree with you more. Whenever people (myself included) try and tell them politely that what they post has already been talked about before....some of them get real defensive. This way, they can find out the answers and not be a real pain. Cheers |
Small Nob 09.12.2004 18:21 |
One thing that attracts me to this site IS the sarcasm (not that you care). However, if you want me and the other newbies to play in our own room, I can abide. Just let us know... R.I.P. Dimebag! |
LadyMoonshineDown 09.12.2004 18:26 |
Nah nah... I mean, I do not speak on account of you. In fact, I haven't read anything by you, so I guess stereotyping all newbies is kinda just....inevitable. Haha, sarcasm attracts you? Try telling that to others. Oh well. Welcome to Queenzone. :) cheers |
Small Nob 09.12.2004 18:28 |
Thanks. I now feel warm and fuzzy - wait, that's the Guinness! |
AllDeadAllDead 09.12.2004 18:30 |
what are a bunch of us newbies going to talk about in a forum that nobody who actually knows anything would bother to read? i guess we could talk about hair styles, how they progresed over the years. |
Mindmangler 09.12.2004 18:39 |
I'm a newbie myself, so hello all! I think a FAQ section is a good idea.... possibly even a section where newbies can make an initial post just to say hi, tell a bit about themselves and get a little acquainted with the board and its members instead of just being thrown into the firing line :) |
Small Nob 09.12.2004 18:41 |
You could, of course, say something about yourself in the Profile section. Just a thought... |
deleted user 09.12.2004 19:12 |
to be fair, I'm not against newbies, everyone was one once and most are good additions to our forum. But what makes a lot of pple dislike newbies are pple who post topics that have already been discussed dozens of times and stupid questions that are easy to answer (eg: "How Old is Roger?")and those *cough*MessengerfromtheSevenSeas*cough* that post topics and such for the (apparent) purpose of boosting their post count and/or annoying the rest of us. |
LadyMoonshineDown 09.12.2004 19:16 |
Haha. *coughyouredamnrightcough* But yea...I try and be fair, but it becomes too damn irritating. We were all newbies; sure. But they should just the FAQ's. Do us all a favor. :) Cheers |
djaef 10.12.2004 01:25 |
and of course you can't tar all newbies with the same brush. A newbie on the board doesn't neccesarily mean a newbie to Queen. And at what magical post number do you stop being a newbie? Everyone was a newbie at one point in time - everyone. There will always be people who are lazy and ask dumb questions. Fact of life. I don't think a separate area is the answer. On the other hand, a bloody good FAQ is definately a good idea. Amazing it hasn't been done already. |
MadeInMadhouse 10.12.2004 08:05 |
Hmm, is not fare for the other side, if the newbie has a interesting topic to set?, the topic of this forum will be few... dont feel guilty this kind of thing is happening in everywhere, there are restriction of the free expresion, I am agree if there are a classification of the topic and then the GOOD one stay there and the bad ones or the elemental question, will be answered via Mail... "Tiemblen... Habló la abogada del Pueblo" |
dennis 15767 11.12.2004 06:30 |
Where is John? Who's the sexiest Queen member? Do You Like Freddie? What's Your Favorite Song? What's your favorite Album Where Do You Come From? Is John dead? Is Freddie gay? What do you concider as being the most gay Queen song? Is Bohemian Rhapsody about AIDS? These are the last times I wanted to see these questions. So for the beginning here are the answers: - John is retiring. - Dunno, I'm straight guy. - Yes we all like Freddie - Personal, Bo Rhap. But I'm very into Shear Heart Attack, Stone Cold Crazy and Dragon Attack at the moment. - It's ANATO, after that MIH and I'm very mutch into SHA. - The Netherlands, the most come from The Netherlands, UK, Germany and USA - John is alive - Freddie was a homosexual wich also had sex with women, so actually a very strange kind of Bi, most gay.skip it, he didn't knew it himself. - the most gay queensong is without a question Body language -Bohemian Rhapsody is a story with a lot of strange (genius) crap in the middel. It's not bout AIDS cause it didn't excist in that time. I believe it's about a murder, gettign in court, and at the end suicide. (But that's just my strange mind, all the songs i wrote are about murder, getting crazy, suicide, drugs and love. So get yer Ya Ya's out and keep it in your mind. It is also completly strange for me Why I posted this, however accept me. |
Serry... 11.12.2004 06:42 |
FAQ would be right for newbiews, but if they ain't trying to research something now, why they should do it in future? Maybe it'd be better if before joining to QZone you'd gotta take a test or a little exam - couple of questions about Queen history and stats. Something like 'Whose surname is Meddows?', 'How does Zanzibar relates to Queen?' and there could be some answers and newbiews would choice the right ones. So it would be impossible to ask questions like "how old roger is" after that, otherwise you're a fake one. |
rachael mae. 11.12.2004 07:25 |
Good idea about the test. :) |
Serry... 11.12.2004 08:41 |
I hope Richard would like this idea too |
deleted user 11.12.2004 09:11 |
yes great idea! and the questions could be ones that if they didn't already know the answers they could easily research it and find the answer in just a few mintues |
deleted user 11.12.2004 09:26 |
Just a thought... If newbies boost their post counters too quickly by posting crap in "Newbie land", then even when they have loads of posts they will still act like newbies. Perhaps it is best to put up with stupid questions in the hope they will stop once becoming rockers... |
deleted user 11.12.2004 09:27 |
...but otherwise - great idea!! |
Small Nob 11.12.2004 12:55 |
Great point, Serry! Other questions might include: What's the name of the guitar that Brian built with his Dad, Name the guest vocalist on "Under Pressure", and who was "Death on two legs" written about. |