I have just returned home from a speech team competition. AMAZING experience. In the duo interpretation event, my partner (with whom I am madly in love, though he doesn't know it) and I swept the board with straight firsts - WOOHOO!
And here's what I heard:
-at the pre-awards ceremony talent show, four guys did the worst rendition of Bo Rhap I've ever heard. Also the funniest.
-Queen was blasting from the lobby stereo almost the entire time. I think my entire team has decided I'm on drugs.
-Some kid's piece in the prose interpretation event was an essay written by Brian May about Freddie. I'm not kidding. And he did a great job on it, too.
And we say Queen have no teenage Amercan fans...
(PS: Could someone help me find this essay? I believe it's called A Free Spirit or something like that. If possible, I would like to do it next year for my prose interp. Shame on me for not finding it before him.)
Back when I was in High School all the geeks (including me) were into Queen, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd.
Everybody else was more into Guns N' Roses, Metallica, and Nirvana, and all the heavy metal and grunge bands.
its reversed now.... all the "cool" kids (in other words, i hate the majority of them) they like all the classic stuff...
last year, i was listening to queen, and they said i had shit taste in music.... i told them to go fuck a tree. Now, they think im coping them by liking queen... i think they're fucks. But then they started realising, i was the one (along with my friends obviously) that had good taste in music...and they think im old school... i really hate them.