Please, please, please stop. You are on a one man (boy) wrecking mission on QZ. Your posts are usually rubbish, you kiss the arses of people on here, most of whom share my opinion and you post over a hundred replys a weekend, most of which are senseless. You just dont get it do you? I feel as though I've got to make a point. Use the Chatrooms for your little conversations, not the board, the only reason you use the board is to increase your post count, what the fuck does a post count matter?? Ive been here 3 years and I couldnt give a shit about my post count. I think you need do have a good think about what youre doing on here!
HeM, maybe you are too concerned with post counts. There are more important things in life than trying to reach a thousand posts and becoming a royalty. That's why I thought the idea of taking away post counts was a good one, because then people would be posting for the sake of posting, not to receive a title. But there's been considerably less private conversations than before, which is much appreicated. :)
Lester already had this whinge. Forget it, there's nothing you can do. And at least he's stopped telling us that he's off for 5 minutes to go to the toilet/have a snack etc.
You have already done that - what I am suggesting is doing it in a single thread in the Test section, rather than every bloody thread in the Personal section.
deleted user 21.11.2004 20:49
I'm very tired of perfectly good topics turning into a big conversation for a choice few. I see no difference from last weekend when these same complaints were made.
There's always a solution, which I've taken to...staying away from the personal section during the weekends. And during the weeks. In fact, I tend to stay away from the messageboard in general, for several of the reasons that BMW and others have noted.
I could whine more and more about the state of the board, but nothing would change. I thought it started taking a turn for the better when John S Stuart started posting details of his rarities, but those are becoming few and far between. I've just grown weary of constantly trying to retain some sort of normalcy around here, so who knows. Personally, I'm probably just going to post less and less and eventually just wean myself off this site.
I'm sure you're all saddened by that.
"In a few hours it would have pages and more pages of replies... And threads with many replies make the whole boards become slow, heavy and they take more time to update when somebody posts a reply."
- Excuse me, but this already happens in the personal section. The play the game topic, the pirate ship topic, and numerous other ones have slowed the board down.
<font color=purple>Miss James wrote: I'm very tired of perfectly good topics turning into a big conversation for a choice few. I see no difference from last weekend when these same complaints were made.
I'll repeat what I said in other thread:
You know what would be really nasty...?
To delete his post count... :))) Not ban- just "zero" his count... And than when he reaches 1000 in another 2-3 weeks- do it again...
He'd get bored...
I long for the day that Hem gets a job. Or I am wishing he would take my prior advice and plant a couple trees, take some dogs for a walk, or help some elderly ladies walk across the street.
I do not care for his "ego" boosting threads.
I am not worried though, he'll go away soon, the trolls always do.
deleted user 23.11.2004 14:44
dragonzflame wrote: And at least he's stopped telling us that he's off for 5 minutes to go to the toilet/have a snack etc.
i think if HeM wants to post useless replies, let him do it! who cares!! if you all dont care about your post counts, then dont worry about his! if he nothing better to do with his time, let him do what he enjoys... though maybe you should get a hobbie, HeM. may i suggest stamp collecting *shudder*?
KillerQueen840 wrote: As I mentioned in a different thread.. I really don't think HeM is the biggest problem now. If you all look at the board, you'll see for yourselves.
Thanks. I'd agree with you. But if the most people don't like it, so the best thing to do is to follow their advices. I've tried to show 'em that this is not that bad, but if they are annoyed about this, better stop doing. We are not the only members, there are many others, and it is not good if a little group of about 10 people keep annoying more than 100. So I'll follow Bob's advice, which is the best one that I've heard up to now. Other people who like to "chat" in the boards can feel free to follow me. I think the secion is the best to do it. We just have to use one of the "test" threads, because there are lots of them and that's not a problem to "destroy" 'em, because they are pointless. Everytime it reaches too much pages and slow down the board, we pick another one.
Well, it's true you have gotten A LOT better..but I was trying to point out that there are OTHER people invading the board now.