What's the best and worst moments on a Queen record. There must be a point (not an album or a track, just a moment)somewhere for most of us that makes you think 'that was bloody clever', likewise there must be a moment that doesn't quite work.
Sublime moment for me is on the second line of 'Nevermore'. Freddie sings 'the seas have gone dry and the rain's stopped falling' and there's a tiny pause between 'stopped' and 'falling'. It's barely noticable, but I find myself listening out for it every time.
Worst moment is when 'The Prophets'Song' segues into 'Love Of My Life'. It never quite works for me, and seems to trip over itself as it shifts from harp to piano.
Or am I just suffering from an obsessive compulsive disorder !
I never liked the bit in Innuendo before the spanish guitar bit where Fred goes "do, do, do, do, do"..., echoing the guitar that did the melody before. Should have repeated with the guitar. Can't stand it.
Agree on the segue to LOML. Always seemed a little clumsy.
The segue from The Prophet's Song to Love of My Life somehow doesn't cause the same feelings of nausea in me as "You take my bodeeeeeeee, I give you HEAT!" with the accompanying music, which is both the most clever and the all-time worst music/lyric combination ever. Just a thought.
Best moment on ANY Queen album is the the second chorus of '39. I've finally stopped dissolving into tears when I hear it, but it still gives me goose flesh.
I think Roger always walks on very thin ice when he writes lyrics. Either it is great poetry or utter rubbish.
Being A German I always envy English-speaking people, as their language seems more appropriate for lyrics. Years ago my mother asked me to translate a few Queen-songs so she could understand them. They sound horrible in German.
Just the titles send shivers down my spine:
Under Pressure: Unter Druck
I Want it all: Ich will es alles
Bohemian Rhapsody: Böhmische Rhapsodie
Staying Power: Ausdauer
Favourite moment:
Half on the time we'd broaden our minds
More in the pool hall
Than we did in the school hall
I never liked Freddie's slow voice on "In the Lap of the Gods..."
Scirocco1977 wrote: Under Pressure: Unter Druck
I Want it all: Ich will es alles
Bohemian Rhapsody: Böhmische Rhapsodie
Staying Power: Ausdauer
Staying Power: Ausdauer, Kondition, Stehvermögen (!Ja!) - brilliant!
Bohemian and Rhapsody have not the same dull meanings as in German. Maybe 'Verträumte Symphonie' is better.
I think the titles go well with all four songs. I like it, after all.
I'll allow for the fact that it probably wasn't finished properly, but the line:
'A cosy fireside chat,
a little this, a little that'
always embarresses me!
Practically any of the music hallesque songs. Bring Back that Leroy Brown always makes me smile with the 'dobey-do-wah' part, Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon with its unusally placed guitar solo, Seaside Rendezvous and the 'tres charmant, my dear' and 'what a damn jolly good idea!' and (despite agreeing that it wasn't really music hall) Good Company is just a darn good song. Brian's voice seems to fit it rather well and the topic matter is great.
I agree. A Winters Tale is a great song but 'a little this, a little that' seems out of place. I can't help it but whenever I hear the song I picture the Simpsons episode where Bart prays for snow.
And in Stone Cold Crazy when Freddie sings:
"They got the sirens loose
I ran right outta juice
They're gonna put me in a cell, if I can't go to heaven
Will they let me go to hell"
...you can hear Brian in the background making some sireny sounds. Awesome. Really is.
The one thing that's always bugged me is the line in It's Late that says, "You're staring at me with suspicion in your eye." Is she a cyclops or something? As for the best moments, I love how Brian's guitar solo just explodes on in Back Chat. :)
It is not actually part of the song, but after Dreamer's Waltz on "Live Killers" - and Freddie says "Ha-ha the things we do for money..." sort of spoils a beautful song, although I know he is only joking...
Also, I love the little jingle bells on Mustafah, and when Brian bursts in on the guitar on Teo Torriate.
i love we are the chapions but the end always seems unfinished without 'of the world'
i love the 'find me somebody to love' chant in somebody to lve, especially when done live
And on the video of Breakthru, just after Freddie sings "Your smile means books to me", then there is a little smile/laugh just as he goes off camera - I love that...
For me the line it Tenement Funster, "When your your young, and your poor and your crazy, young & your crazy, which repeats 3 times. Going higher each time always made me cringe, even when I was 14. It sounds silly to me. A cool moment to me is on the BBC version of My Meloncholly Blues, at the very end where Freddie usually sings, "Meet my meloncholly blues...." just before the end. On the BBC version, he sings Meet my... then laughs. It sounds like he's breaking character for a moment. Very unplanned, it sounds so natural.