Fans keep wondering why John doesn't want to join Brian & Roger to keep Queen alive. I believe that Brian & Roger have always been together with the same idea of what they want. They both were the founders of the band and have the right to do whatever they want, don't you agree? I just saw the interviews on the Milton Keynes DVD and they are together (it was back in '82), Freddie was in a separate interview, so that they both do interviews and press conferences together is not new, we can see that they are very close partners when talking about business, which is totally different from the musical part.
deleted user 18.11.2004 19:33
Sorry, but I don't think you can deduce anything from the fact that they did an interview together in '82. It's just one of many.
Roger and John did an entire promo tour through Japan, Korea and Australia together in '84. You'll also find interviews with BRJ and basically every possible combination within the band (in printed form at least). And Freddie couldn't be bothered doing promotional interview most of the time. It doesn't say anything about factions and driving forces within the band in the old days.