Hopefully my picture's up now.
The T-shirt actually says "Jesus is Coming-Look Busy" which I think is hilarious.
At the risk of insulting any christians who are nearby, I want my next one to read:
"Jesus isn't Coming.....he always breathes like that"
Oh, come on, it's funny!!
That's it, I'm secretly the goofy one from NSYNC!!
I may not be shagging Cameron Diaz, I may not be the fat cuddly one, I may not even be JC and his awful hair (and marginally worse songs) but at least I'm going to the moon!!
Miss James-I hope you don't consider me an imbecillic philistine for my t-shirt, I happen to be quite a strong believer in many aspects of christianity, but I don't think that being too serious about it is a good thing.
V-glad you think my shit's funny, that's awfully ghetto fabulous of you!!
Hi Killa Queen, thanks for your message!
On one hand I don't want to offend anyone, but on the other hand, I think it's quite funny if I do. On yet another hand, if nobody thinks it's funny, AND they're not offended, maybe I shouldn't bother. Ho-hum!!
Everyone is entitled to have their own beliefs and it should be respectable, but when religion goes too far on the minds of people as to justify hatred towards others, then it's wrong.
Just as it is bad for non-religious people to hate anyone who follows a religion, regardless of whether they respect other religions or not.
I hate to sound a stepford but Roger's The Key sums it all up for me. I didn't grow up in a religious household and have never been christened. My Ma and Pa thought it best to leave it up to me and my brother and sister whether or not we want to be christened in whatever faith we like. So far neither of us has had the inclination to.
Having said that I have a lot of respect for religious people it must be comforting to have faith. And the local Catholic Club serves lager for only £1.89 a pint.