in queens almost 2 decades of being togther was their any danger of them splitting up. i heard the guys began gettin really pissed wif Freddie during the mid 80's, that was wen he was most into sex and drugs.
Oh I'm sure...
Didn't Peter Freestone in his book write that in mid eighties the band was actually meeting extremely rarely- only for rehearsals, gigs and some important band meetings, when they had to make some strategic decissions... Even during recording sessions most of the times they weren't all together...
It doubt it had anything to be with sex or drugs.
Like many bands, there are always ego clashes within any of them. Queen was no exception, and this has been mentioned countless of times by all the guys in the band. One wants an specific kind of sound, and another member wants to do something completely different. They stick to their original ideas so much, that they're hardly willing to try something different.
Just look at the 'One Vision' recording sessions. Brian wanted a certain guitar solo sound, while the other guys wanted something different, yet Brian wasn't willing to give up on the riff he wanted. And remember that this happened after 'Live Aid' when supossedely the band got closer and they weren't so harsh on each other.
I'm sure they really felt like breaking up after the 'Hot Space' recordings and promo tour. The album was quite unsuccessful compared to their previous work, so I'm sure there were a lot of times when they said to each other... "See, I told you so, we should have done something different". Besides, they were probably extremely tired after the end of the tour. So no wonder why they decided to take most of 1983 for a break.
Fenderek<br><font size=1>Pretentious twat</font> wrote: Oh I'm sure...
Didn't Peter Freestone in his book write that in mid eighties the band was actually meeting extremely rarely- only for rehearsals, gigs and some important band meetings, when they had to make some strategic decissions... Even during recording sessions most of the times they weren't all together...
Its a fair point though, I never spend any quality time with the people I work with because I see enough of them at work, thats probably how they felt. Work and home are different.