hi everyone just want to know why roger used a double drum kit for the music video i want it all
as this song can be played on a single drum kit so could you help me out. also what is your fav roger taylor drum kit and what one sounds best.
rock on
Think he just wanted to make it look "heavy" - Bri once said that by the time 'I want it all" was released people seemed to have forgotten that they were actually a rockband ! So maybe Rog just wanted to make a statement.
I like his really massive sets from the late 70s, with tons of tom-toms and heaps of cymbals. Ludwig, I think ?
Don't really like the sound of the Yamaha-Set from the Magic -Tour.
The late seventies Ludwig kits were fantastic. The 84 kit was smart too. Was it made of steel???
The Wembley kit sounded flat and bloated to me. He also looked very hunched over it as though he was sitting in for someone else!!!
I like the one during 'A Day at the Races'-tour, such a big kit, with a nice round sound :-). Can be seen on Hyde Park and Earls Court.
The Works drumkit is crap...
The Yamaha kit is pretty good, just listen to Budapest 1986, nice crystal sound :-).
Ludwig with Zildjah.
By the way, when Roger answered that type of question he named the kit from 1979/1980 tours (don't remember the title, sorry, maybe Sleishman or something like that).
1. Roger's current Sleishmann kit is beautfiul sounding.
2. Magic Tour Kit: beatiful crisp sounding
You can't get worse than the 1984/1985 kit.The electronic pads particularly ruin songs, and Live Aid would sound much better without them.
deleted user 11.11.2004 17:58
I also think that IWIA really does feature a double bass drum. There also could be some double bass stuff on IABD (reprise).
deleted user 11.11.2004 23:44
Fenderek<br><font size=1>Pretentious twat</font> wrote: Any but the one from 'Works Tour'...
Just a question, but why does the drumsets from the Works tour sound shallow? It's the worst of the lot, I think?
I like the late 70s sound (live) most - I guess Ludwig or Sleishman. On records I even like the old "Trident" sound on some songs (if there wasnt that much reverb) - like on TNCD, KYA, GKR etc.
I guess that the weak 84 sound comes from the new stage-set. On the Hot Space tour the drums sound really alive, thanks for the spare use of syndrums.
IWIA is indeed with double bass during to solo. But I think they just used the double-bass kit for the video - to look cooler, no idea. By the way, IWIA is a nice video IMO, I remember when I saw it first, I thought "wow, that's a real band!" - they look really matre on it, very professional (except for some Roger-esque "I hate sync"-passages)
Live and album drumsounds are two worlds. But it depends on microphoning too, the mic positions, mic company, and of course sound engineer. A live sound which comes out of the PA sounds different from to that which is recorded - of course it's the same signal. I unfortunately never heard Queen really live, only from recordings, so I cant tell if the 84's drum sound live was really that crap as on the recordings.
Mine are the 1976/77 and 1980/81 drum kits. Both Ludwigs with a mixture of Paiste and Zildjian cymbals. Also, the tympani drums kicked ass. Watch the WWRY film and Roger was just all over the place whaling on the drums.
The Ludwig kit from the Day at the Races and News of the World tours. It was like an arsenal of drums. The recording of his kit on those albums is what makes me listen to them over and over. Big and open sounding. A great live drum sound. The BBC recordings for the "News" tracks have some thunderous drums on them as well. Queen II has a great drum sound too.
I agree with everybody else. The Works tour kit sucked. Roger wore that shirt "Ban Nuclear War". I think it should have read, "Nuke My Kit."
In "I want it all" is a part with the double bassdrums. That's in the very fast solo part. Roger got always very big drums with a lot of cymbals. He used to have zildjian and paiste cymbals and a wuhan china. But in the magic tour he only had zildjian cymbals (and I love them. His best kit was in the hot space tour in 1982. It sounds really great and massive (check the milton keyes dvd) and it looks very cool. For the first time I also thought the electric drums sounded great.
You think the synth drums sounded good on MK? Wow.. in my opinion I think they were a little much.. but hey.. we are all entitled to opinions.. its just, Only MINE count.. ;-P
My favorite kit was the Game Tour.. with the Tymphs... and that face looking at you.. it was cool..
Roger Taylor best drum kit was probably his kit from the '86 Magic Tour. He had a seven piece set with a Roland Ocatapad that created the trigger effect.
Britney Spears wrote: You think the synth drums sounded good on MK? Wow.. in my opinion I think they were a little much.. but hey.. we are all entitled to opinions.. its just, Only MINE count.. ;-P
My favorite kit was the Game Tour.. with the Tymphs... and that face looking at you.. it was cool..
wasn't it Roger "marijuano" in that face on the drum?? (check the red eyes)
Hehe, Could have been.. but he said he only tried it once and didn't like it.. Oh well.. he's a Rock Star.. who cares. lol