I have always wondered this, if you look closely at the picture of the band in the studio in the gatefold LP, somewhere between Brian and Rogers kit ( cant remember exactly where and cant be bothered to look ) you can see what appears to be an old looking camera on a tripod. Does anyone have any info about this ?
I think that was the studio that they bought.. Montroux or something like that.. my mind is mush at the moment.. and I was always too busy looking at the poster that came with the LP to be bothered to look at the sleeve
<font color=red>Darth_Nader</font> wrote: I think that was the studio that they bought.. Montroux or something like that.. my mind is mush at the moment.. and I was always too busy looking at the poster that came with the LP to be bothered to look at the sleeve
There was a sleeve? I thought I'd picked up an issue of Playboy with a CD in it!
I wonder if any of them have "home movie" type stuff from the earlier albums. I always wonder that because the Beatles had plenty of home footage. Did any of the Queen members get into that?
If I remember correctly around the time of the Jazz recordings a Queen Documentry was being filmed. (Wispering) Bob Harris was fronting it (Possibly a BBC venture). I remember various things being filmed but the documentry seemed to get forgotten about. some of the footage has resurfaced in the Magic Years etc. Strangly I am sure we had colour in 1978 but the footage that has surfaced has been shown as Black and White such as Roger being interviewed by Bob Harris in a car. Probably shown this way to try and make it look even older? Shame the haircuts give it away!!
To get back to the original question, I'm sure as part of this process the sessions would have been partly filmed!
I may well be talking bollocks but didn't we once see either video or film of Brian in a studio control room with a full beard?! Am I imagining this???!!!
Could be wrong but I'm guessing the camera was used to link to the control room in the studio so the producer could see the musicians - very normal!! kj