It was a cold October evening. John Edwards crept up his steps to his bedroom. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. He whipped around to see John Kerry, who stripped off his clothes and began ...
FreddiesGhettoTrench wrote: It was a cold October evening. John Edwards crept up his steps to his bedroom. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. He whipped around to see John Kerry, who stripped off his clothes and began ...
To say his standard opening line. "I'm Jooooohn...", but before he even got started, California Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger crashed through the window, dressed up as the Terminator. Arnold turned to Kerry and asked... "Are you John Conno.. erhm Kerry?"[/thickstereoidheadaustrianaccent], Kerry nodded as a 'yes'...
deleted user 24.10.2004 19:07
And then Arnold grabbed John Kerry and said "Come With me if you want to live." And they run out to where his motorcycle is. Then a T1000 forms right next to the motorcycle and he looks like George W. Bush. He grabs arnolds shoulder and says.... "Don't mess with Texas." and....
With out prior written consent (only implied oral consent) Latvia Man comes down from the Second Atmosphere of Yu-gi-Oh! and saves Bush...then lights another one on fire. However behind Latvia Man lay the charred, still moving remains of...
Tony Blair blown out of George Bush's arse at a ferocious velocity after Bush's bad case of flatulance while Tony Blair was brown-nosing. Cool Brittianna mourns its leader as Noel Gallgher write a song about him. Bush says excuse me and walks..........
...without shoes and steps on a pile of dinosaur shit. He says "damn it, Kerry's pet is roaming around again and he doesn't give a fuck about scooping poop!" Secret Service men in diving suits appear out of nowhere and clean the offensive matter from his foot and made sure that he was wearing a pair of shoes this time. Meanwhile, Mick Jagger was masturbating in a public restroom when suddenly...
So a new universe was formed, and it became known as the Internet. It was used as a venue to discuss things like George Bush having sex with Karl Rove and the Carrot Top Official Fan Club. Its people are not known to live long or prosper, but they make do. So in this new universe, there rose up a group of people who...
...Including the momentous and exuberant demise of PaulPenney. The construction of the third universe realized the importance of this holiday and pledged that never again will a being like Paulpenney will destroy the harmony that we cherished. And Kerry kicks Bush's ass.
But Paul Penney didnt realize that the new universe was indestructable, immune to his ploys and would continue on. There would be no Bush no Kerry.... just the universe and Paul trying in futile to destroy it! :P
but, from a black and smelly mist, george bush came as a humanoid robot. the whole place was on fire and a truck was circling a broken cd player. suddenly, as if by magic, the cd player got bigger and bigger and got a human-like shape. it was freddie...
After which, Miraculous Headlong Tour Which Was Made In Heaven As A Kind Of Innuendo Day was proclaimed a universal holiday, to the immense joy and satisfaction of all good universal citizens, celebrating the new reign of the princes of the universe.
...and made it into a rendition of Mozart's Great Mass. By this time, the Red Special was showing signs of its age and Dr. May just decided to perform a yet experimental science called Guitar Taxidermy, in which the guitar was encased in a sugary crust, and fried in canola oil...