is the umorism gone lost there?
i think you overestimate yourself, did you burn your brain?
am i sick?don't you feel it's a joke?if you don't feel it the person who is sick isn't me
please rediscover whatever (little) intelligence you ever had, and grow up
if you cannot reason in your own mind the difference between offensive/insulting and reasoned arguement then try this:
if it was directed at you (or your family/loved ones) would YOU find it offensive? - if so don't bother to type it in the first place
someone i know lost his job for less than what you typed in those two messages - and anyway EVEN if you wish to make (decent) personal comments - PUT THEM IN THE PERSONAL BOARD - apols to others for shouting
I find it pretty amusing to read HeM tell someone off. Sorry HeM but a month ago you were spewing similarily senseless nonsense. You are entitled to your opinion but you've also done your share of spamming the board with idiotic crap.