Ehm, most of Queens lyrics are not really philosophical or go too much in depth. Songs dealing about riding your bike don't really compare to suffering of poor people.
But there're Freddie's songs lyrically awesome! Take a look at 'Let Me Entertain You', 'Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy', 'Bring Back Leeroy Brown', 'Killer Queen', etc... In the Glam era he had the greatest lyrics.
Axl Rose is 69? He deserves better, the man has written brilliant songs... November Rain, Estranged to mention 2.
And he was definitely better than Kurt Cobain! So was Bono!
And if Freddie's no. 43, where is Brian? I think his songs are even better than Freddie's lyrics.
Joe Strummer on 16?! Well, not bad but his songs are much better than Elvis Costello's I think.
Other than that, I think the first places are deserved... No one could beat Dylan and Lennon.
If these people really knew about music, they'd put Brian May over Freddie Mercury.
I have to admit that Freddie had some awesome obscure lyrics up to like 'ANATO' or 'ADATR', but anything after that it went down faster than Tara Reid at a night club.
The fact that Billy Joel is #99 shows that these people don't know shit.
deleted user 17.10.2004 23:18
Some of the lists there bill Queen as the best live shows, Freddie as the best showman, although they have heated debates over those lists. They never took Queen seriously, IMO.
If Richey Edwards of the Manic Street Preachers isn't on a best of lyricists list... not to mention within the top 10, then the list is null...
For those who never heard of him, listen to "The Holy Bible" by the Manics... they give a new meaning to the word "truth" (in that album anyways).
i don't think freddie was famous for his lyrics.i think that apart for the first tenplaces(who are quite right)the other are totally wrong.michael stipe deserves a better place and so peter gabriel
Well, ok, Freddie goes with Freddie, about Robbie Williams' lyrics? Sadly he's not even mentioned in the list... or I just didn't notice him? How can it be that Robbie isn't in the list???
im glad to see that are someone who recognice the great talent of mr edwards, the best lyricist ever without a shadow of doubt, i think the holy bible is the best album ever but you can find great lyrics in every single album
see u