Does anybody have a Queen song that holds a specail memory for them ?
mine is "Friends will be Friends" as it always reminds me of my best friend, and also "dont stop me now" Because it reminds me of a group of friends wh oi dont see that often !!
me xxx
A Kind of Magic makes me think of that stupid t**t getting mauled by his tiger
deleted user 08.10.2004 19:30
To be predictable... Bohemian Rhapsody
I was at a graduation party and all of my friends and I were singing songs, I had my guitar with me and they started singing Bo Rhap, I couldn't play it so I thought I would learn. I got their greatest hits CDs from our library so I could learn it with the music, I listened to it and was hooked. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be writing here now and I probably would be listening to more of the crappy music that there is today, now not all of it is crappy , but music just isn't the way it was and Queen got me into classic rock stuff and got me to see things differently in the world.
There's my 2 cents
deleted user 08.10.2004 21:44
Life is Real always bring back memories of John Lennon.
Hammer to fall was once an anthem for my friends and me at school for girls with huge jugs... no kidding... Everytime someone shouted "Hammer to fall..." we knew there was a worthwhile cleavage in the area...
Scirocco1977 wrote: Hammer to fall was once an anthem for my friends and me at school for girls with huge jugs... no kidding... Everytime someone shouted "Hammer to fall..." we knew there was a worthwhile cleavage in the area...
Well, I smacked my car into the back of a tow truck while listening to "Killer Queen," so I suppose it'll be a while before I can listen to that again ...
"Well, I smacked my car into the back of a tow truck while listening to "Killer Queen," so I suppose it'll be a while before I can listen to that again ... "
That conjures up images...!
most songs from Greatest Hits 1, as i got it when i went to England, then my family and i travelled around Europe, and listening to that Cd or even the songs from it remind me of the rainy weather in England, or the castles in Germany, or even the buildings in Rome, just because i listened to it so often.
Killer Queen reminds my of Stratford-upon-Avon.... great place by the way
Sail Away Sweet Sister.
Last year my best friend's sister died and it was played at her funeral.
I don't listen to the song anymore, cause it makes me feel very sad.
"Tie Your Mother Down" I had a friend named John who shared my *passion* for Queen. He was an artist & he loved to doodle. Back before the internet/e-mail, we used to write real letters (on paper, sent by the post office) to each other. He doodled the line "take your little brother swimming with a brick" on the last letter that he wrote to me. He passed away in 1992. I still have that letter with that doodle on it. Whenever I feel like I'm missing him more than usual, I spin TYMD a few times and look at the doodle. It helps me miss him less.
I don't know why, but on the day of the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia I was listening to "don't stop me now". Now I can't hear it without thinking how ironic this was.
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love" reminds me of a tap exam I once did, dancing to that song. I got 91% on it, so I was really pleased, and I feel happy, and feel like dancing every time I hear it now.
"A Winter's Tale" has (since being released in 1995) always been the first song I listen to in a New Year. Has become some sort of a tradition. Don't ask me why. The special meaning? To be honest I haven't got a clue.
deleted user 12.10.2004 05:33
These Are The Days Of Our Lives reminds me as the "last take from Freddie". :-(
A Kind of Magic always meant something to me. Let me share why...
When I was young, I had some medical problems that required me to go into Philadelphia about once a month for treatment. Well, my brother had AKOM on tape (don't know where/when he got it) and I listened to that song over and over again as we drove downtown. I was only about 5 at this point, so I didn't know who Queen was or anything about the song, I just remember what it sounded like, especially Brian's little guitar solo. I didn't even know what the song was called, but last year, as I was just getting into Queen, I dl AKOM and all those memories of riding in the car came back to me when I heard it. So now, whenever I hear it, I always think of those times of me going to the hospital to get my treatment.
Same thing with the Stones' Beast of Burden, btw =)
You're my Best Friend which was ironically too well named for an ex-girlfriend of mine.
Love of my Life for the same scathing reason.
Tie Your Mother Down..just because. It always makes me energised and the lead up and eventual climax (tee-hee) is always a good short I have no idea.. I love the song.
"Too Much Love Will Kill You" has been a wake-up call to me on a couple of occasions (as I've told Brian himself, BTW).
"Love of My Life" has hit me hard after breakups.
"Who Wants to Live Forever?" will always remind me of a friend who I don't hear from anymore, and "Spread Your Wings" encouraged another friend of mine to try to move past her problems (and has inspired a movie I'm making right now).
i would have to go with "These are the days of our lives", jus reminds me of life in general, friends, family, and really shows how beautiful life can be
"Love of My Life" riminds me of my first love affaire.It was "our song".
It was 12 years ago and lasted 9 years after that she decided to break up...We were so young and innocent...Then I pick "You take my breath away" and "Save Me" for all the pain,sorrow and tears I had after that...I can say that Freddie's voice saved my life in a way...
"Breaktru" for the very happy moments of the summer of 1989!
But Queen music is the soundtrack of my whole life for the better or worst moments.