Hi I'm looking for the following concerts on dvd (PAL-format):
Rainbow '74
Hammersmith Odeon '75
Hyde Park '76
Earls Court '77
Houston '77
Paris '79
Budokan '79
Sao Paolo '81
Buenos Aires '81
Caracas '81
I've got loads of bootlegs to trade. Have a look at my list at link and let me know what you'd like in return.
Hello everybody,
looking for DVD-trades too, unfortunately I dont have anything Queen-related to offer, as i´m trying to start a collection, but maybe somebody is interested in some stones-stuff which I got tons of.
Would you consider doing someone a copy of Twickenham from Four Flicks if that person wasn't really bothered about the other parts of that set?
In theory....
Hello... if you are interested in rare Queen concerts, please write me: queenmagicvision@rock.com and I'll send my full list...
cheers ;)
deleted user 21.11.2004 13:18
iljaiya wrote:Hi I'm looking for the following concerts on dvd (PAL-format):
Rainbow '74
Hammersmith Odeon '75
Hyde Park '76
Earls Court '77
Houston '77
Paris '79
Budokan '79
Sao Paolo '81
Buenos Aires '81
Caracas '81
iljaiya wrote:Hi I'm looking for the following concerts on dvd (PAL-format):
Rainbow '74
Hammersmith Odeon '75
Hyde Park '76
Earls Court '77
Houston '77
Paris '79
Budokan '79
Sao Paolo '81
Buenos Aires '81
Caracas '81
I have the most of that stuff, on cd:s not DVD. Maybe ...
I can tell you as Oskar said. Houston is very rare. Very very rare.
But with the other shows I'm fine. I have many of them i SVCD and in probobly best condition now available fredrik_eliasson@hotmail.com
I have a pretty good list of Queen concert DVD's. Email me at juquel@yahoo.com for my list.
Always glad to help out newbies w/ B&P's!! B&P info here: link