Right, im not a political person but heres my view on the mighty TB. Ok, THE UK HAS CANCER AND AS SOON AS I GET THE CHANCE................IM FUCKING OFF TO SPAIN, WITH THE REST OF THE EXPATS THAT SHARE MY OPINION!
I hate the twat! Everything about the Uk is a fucking shambles. Its a RIP OFF. I hate the dump. Im not a racist person, but Enoch Powell said that 'once they come, they will all come!' and they have! I bet the Spanish PM is thinking the same! lol.
Tony Blair yes indeed a lying wanker, but get ready folk's, like Bush in America he's getting ready for another term in office, because frankly, the people of Britain and the US would rather have them, than the alternative, better the devil you know so to speak, keep smiling.
Im not into politics myself but I would hate to see what state the country would be in if the Torys had stayed in power. I no one thing for certain, I would of been out of a job, and there would be no minimum wage. I dont think any or the parties are ideal, but Im a damned site better off under Labour than I would be under any of the other lot.
I think you'll find if the Conservatives had stayed in power the UK would have the second largest economy in the world.
And Gareth Gates wouldn't exist.
Oh yes I forgot, when the Torys were in power everything was just hunky dory, the NHS had no waiting lists, unemployment was at an all time low, the gap between the haves and have nots was non existent and there were no riots on the streets because of their changes in taxes. Public companies were'nt being privatised causing thousands of redundancies and the new privatised companies ran like clockwork. You could leave your house with the door open and have no fear of anyone coming in and nicking your video because they had bobbys on the end of every street.
Yep, the Torys were the party of the people.
And Gareth Gates was conceived under a Tory Government.