acmed17 and earthlight99 both want to buy it.
(It started at 4.99 and has gone up by the way).
And I hope someone on Queenzone gets it and puts it up for download.
Drs. DAJA wrote: I think it was from 2002.
The hell I want that.
If someone has it put it on download on KAZAA.
Why would you want that???? Nothing really special about that performance. It was great to be there though, but if I wasn't there, I probably wouldn't be so desperate to get a recording of it.
I downloaded the concert over two years ago on Windows Media Format. If I had a connection to the Internet, I would gladly seed it for the Sharing The Music section. But alas, I can't :(
I have downloaded this. But I have no fast
connection to the Internet.
If someone tells me how to do it, I could ask
my brother to put it on your disposal.
I didn't attend that concert since I'm from Mexico but I downloaded it the following day. A couple of months later I was in Europe for a summer course in Telecommunications and went to the Netherlands for a weekend with my ex-girlfriend's dutch friend. He then offered to get the CD-ROM from the event for me, collecting labels or bottles of Heineken beer.
I received it months later. I even had forgotten the deal. Saw it once and put it with the rest of my records. It's nice to have it but I wouldn't pay for a bootleg of that event, hehe :).
This guy lives very close to me and hes a really big Queen fan. Hes a 'buying and selling' collector. He always has some great items for sale. Look at his list of other items. Ive had stuff off him before and I cant fault him.