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"Allocine reports that during French promotions of "Collateral", Tom Cruise mentioned that he would collaborate again with Director Michael Mann ("Heat") on a film project about the famed WW2 Battle of Britain. Filming is aiming to begin sometime before 2006, right after Cruise finishes his commitments to "The War of the Worlds" and "Mission: Impossible"
Now, what makes this so funny is that someone on QZ (Haole, I think) mentioned this very premise several months back when making fun of Hollywood's aptness for historical inaccuracy. Either Cruise is going to do another awful accent (didn't he learn anything from Far and Away?), or the Americans really did save the British during the German bombing raids.
Why not? I mean America did after all save us from facism *cough*. All that hard work. Yep.
Well they did get Enigma/Purple/what ever the fucking decoder was called from U-571 so why not save England from ze Nazi bombers? Pah.
Fuck it. Mel Gibson played an Australian in Gallipoli! DAMN YOU ROCK 'EM, SOCK 'EM BOTS!
I posted on the original thread too. He will play the part of an American pilot who actually DID fight in the Battle of Britain. He flew for one month, didn't shoot any planes down and was himself shot down and killed. It will be interesting to see how that changes a la Hollywood.
Other films in the pipeline:
Green Beret's rescue Welsh Regiment at Rourke's Drift.
Aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln defeats Spanish Armada
7 Marines turn the tide at the Battle of Waterloo