Apologies if this has already been raised recently but is there any hint to the next DVD-Audio release? ANATO was the obvious first choice, The Game an obvious second choice (for an American market) but what about the third? I reckon/hope one of the following: ADATR, Innuendo or Made In Heaven. Any info gratefully received!
Yes, the three you mention would be nice. I think most were expecting the next to be News Of The World. But since Brian reports the multitracks to be missing, it's been looking more and more unlikely. Someone has it. Either that, or it's lost in some studio vault.
But I think there was talk of QueenII from Brian himself at one point. It was talked about quite a bit on here sometime a year and a bit ago.
Of course, the other little prob is that the dvd-a front has gone silent with Bri. I may send a Q to Brian to ask if he has any further plans for these Queen albums.
You like your monosylabic answers don't you???!!! HaHa - only pulling your leg!
Hello Adam! Only just spoke to you on the other thread! God I hope it will be Queen II. Let's hope not too much was bounced at the recording stage.
Adam Baboolal wrote:
But I think there was talk of QueenII from Brian himself at one point. It was talked about quite a bit on here sometime a year and a bit ago.
One point the Guru himself made in that discussion last year was that much of AKOM was already mixed for 5.1, making it an easy choice for DVD-A. (Queen II only has one track already mixed, while AKOM has 5) NOTW would be nice, but as we know, much of the original tracks have gone missing. AKOM may not be big in the US, but it does appear to be half done by now.
However, as Adam mentioned, there has been little movement on the DVD-A front of late.
Zeni: "AKOM may not be big in the US, but it does appear to be half done by now."
And even though I'm guilty of being one of the people in the US who doesn't think all that much of this release (good, but not GREAT, IMO), I say: "Bring it!!!" The sound quality of the standard LP/CD recording is ATROCIOUS - I blame Capitol records in the US for that. I would LOVE to hear those tracks with some real BASS on them. I think AKOM would benefit GREATLY from the DVD-A treatment & wish them godspeed finishing it!
As for what's next... I hope they just keep up the momentum with SOME new release, regardless of choice, you know? Like others have said, there's been no new title nor talk for awhile (thank the musical) of a new one. That's a bit scary...
And Re: Queen II - - - Does it strike anyone else here as highly, and I emphasize HIGHLY unlikely to see Queen II done up because of the studio methods used at that time? Someone mentioned "bouncing", and I really think that was probably "state of the art" at that time, in particular. Each track probably has some 4 or 5 dubs on it, particularly on the Black side.
I distinctly remember reading/hearing bits of interviews with Brian & others commenting on how in the earliest days, the band were promised things like "It'll come out in the mix" which they trusted, but never came true, much to their chagrin. Hence, they kept pursuing better studios and producers. I suspect it wasn't until ANATO, RT Baker, & the new management deal that the better technology was accessed & leveraged. Just a suspicion. I suspect Adam & a few others who have a more detailed knowledge of the recording processes could advise on this...?
When you mention the quote about things coming out of the mix. That's Brian talking about the recording methods setup with the first album recordings. He mentions that the studio had a reputation for their drums sounding very pristine/clean. The band wanted the room sound recorded to beef up THEIR sound. And the engineer would tell the band that they could just use echo to get that sound. But that backfired. However, I don't know if those were early test recordings they're talking about.
What documentary is that from? I can't remember.
Btw, the reason for the slowdown on dvd-a releases is also due to the dvds being made. I think they like to commit themselves to one big studio project at a time. Especially when it comes to their preferred team, i.e. Justin, Kris, etc.