Whenever I see a rat terrier, I do sometimes question whether it is as cute as my Bingo (his name). But then when I come home to him, all those doubts instantly disappear. Maybe that's also my personal bias. We all have them, whether we like to admit it or not.
He's old, about fourteen. But what he has lost in youth and vivacity (which is not much, believe me!) he has gained in affection and...sleeping...lots of sleeping. But even watching him sleep is such a treat.
Your dog is so cute. I've got a Labrador and a Chow myself. Both are completely loopy, but I love them even more for it. The Chow (Dakota) loves to bark at my guitar. And the piano. And the stereo. :D
I have one full Rat, one half-Rat, half-Jack, and one that is a mix of the two. My half and half is the prettiest of the bunch and the calmest.
Smart creatures, too.
I was at a pet store a few months ago, and I saw a mix (I know it SOUNDS weird) of a pomeranian and a rat terrier. It was one of the cutest puppies I've ever seen. It looked mostly like a rat terrier, but it was all fuzzy, although it didn't have as much poofiness as a pom.
My dog is actually about to turn 2 tomorrow.