Ok, 'Somebody To Love' is one of my favorite Queen songs but there is one little tiny stupid thing that gets me every time I listen to it- the part that Freddie sings 'one day I'm gonna be free' and the chorus sings 'someday'...
That's all. I know I'm a "newbie" and a lot of you 'brains' will say how stupid is to put that and everything, but that's ok :-)
I liked the last topic...
*thanks to Sargeant Pepper DG
Kind of like in 'Funny how Love Is', when a double-tracked Freddie sings "getting" and "coming home in time for tea".
Although I like that.
So I guess it doesn't really annoy me.
I think it's annoying when you open a can of smoked oysters over the sink and then your sink stinks like smoked fish for a few days.
pretty freakin' trivial, dude.
Well anyone who is using kazaa should be punished...and yes..even Kazaa lite...not that i care about the legal part of it..but using kazaa is like using a really bad toiletpaper...you like a soar butt...dont you?!
I really like Somebody To Love. Perfect vocals. Next to BoRhap and The Prophets Song. It's a very popular song. It's used in movies. Ella Enchanted or something like that. Seriously, Somebody to Love is an awesome song. Nearly perfect. :)
One thing that annoys me about Another One Bites the Dust is people associate that song with the 'it's fun to smoke marijuana' line. I usually say 'Yeah, the bass player sat down while smoking a joint, said 'It's fun to smoke marijuana', played it backwards and heard that it sounded like 'Another One Bites the Dust'. You wanker.'
Then of course I stab them to death with The Game. Appropriate and deadly sharp.
Then there's always the 'Wow, did Queen cover Elvis' Crazy Little Thing Called Love?'. Funny how The Game makes people retarded. If I ever hear 'Wow, did Queen cover The Beatles' Dragon Attack' I'll scream.
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iGSM wrote: One thing that annoys me about Another One Bites the Dust is people associate that song with the 'it's fun to smoke marijuana' line. I usually say 'Yeah, the bass player sat down while smoking a joint, said 'It's fun to smoke marijuana', played it backwards and heard that it sounded like 'Another One Bites the Dust'. You wanker.'
Then of course I stab them to death with The Game. Appropriate and deadly sharp.
Then there's always the 'Wow, did Queen cover Elvis' Crazy Little Thing Called Love?'. Funny how The Game makes people retarded. If I ever hear 'Wow, did Queen cover The Beatles' Dragon Attack' I'll scream.
Yes. The Game does tend to bring out the best in ignorant people. The best I've heard (aside from people trying to tell me that CLTCL is an Elvis ditty) is someone actually thought that it is an actual game.
That bit in Somebody To Love did annoy me at first - but I got used to it. However, I don't think I'll ever get used to someone calling A Kind Of Magic 'It's A Kind Of Magic'. Am I alone in wanting to do something illegal to whoever calls it that?
And finally, the 'marijuana' line in AOBTD - I hate it with a passion. That's all I have to say on this subject.
deleted user 18.08.2004 00:17
there r many alternatives 2 kazaa some being limewire emule and bit torrent my fav being emule since i just d/l FM trib from it
I live to give.
Somebody who said CLTCL was an Elvis tune even produced the Elvis version (The Game version). I put on The Game and said 'Listen to this'. Then I thrashed the person in question.
They deserve it. Fuckers.
Um, Well, when you guys said that on AOBTD, the line, 'it's fun to smoke marijuana', that you hear it, I don't. Can you just hear it on the record, and not on the CD? I only have the CD. Do you have to spin in backwards on the record like people say? Or can you just hear it if it plays? Sorry if this sounds stupid, I'm just lost. I just never heard that line in the song.
I've heard it, but it doesn't sound like anything other than a bunch of garbled words to me. If you listen hard enough, it sort of sounds a bit like 'It's fun to smoke marijuana', but only if you were looking for them to say that.