IE!! Kettle corn is like a watered down caramel corn!! I luuuuurve it. eat it! you eat it and like it!!! That's what you get for ignoring the princess!!
My address:
Greedy Fat Bastard
400 yards from the WW2 Station 174
486th Bomber Group, 8th USAF
I was going to say that if the parcel arrives I would streak through New York but I remembered a few people who post here know my address and might email it to you - although I am sure they wouldn't want to inflict such a sight on anyone!
I would streak through Fountain Square, with ranch dressing on my ass, yelling "Will SOmeone Please Put Out My Fire!!!!!" for a bucket of Kettle Corn right about now.......
deleted user 11.08.2004 12:58
For a large price, I would be willing to give out Shrekky's address...
nope-- has to be carmel corn....
i suppose its the carmel color that fools the brain... who knows.....
bob-- i will trade you one case--for a couple buckets of maltesers!