Is it possible for a man (hetro), to say to another man (also hetro), that he thinks that another man (sexual orientation unknown)is "good looking", without sounding like a screaming Queen.
just wondering
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posted on right page: yes
check spelling : yes
stupid question : yes
will people hate me : probably
I always take great pleasure in noticing the way other chap's faces drop whenever I stroll into a room full of bluff and spunk.
You can instantly detect the change in their demeanor when they recognise that they have just gone one more step down in the pecking order.
I think so yeah. Roger was a handsome bastard in his time, a lot of women probably thought so too, and throughout the 80s Fred didnt look too bad either!
Glad you spelt lithp right. I hate it when people spell it NBNJ or POGO STICK! CHAMPIONSHIP. I mean it's a common typo but you can't just go around saying these things.