Well, I don't think Freddie invented 'mama mia', but he certainly made it much, much, much more popular. Before, you only heard Italian people say it. Now, not just for Italians! Maybe that's where breanna902000 got that mario thing from? I mean, since he was Italian..he was Italian? I know he was a plumber...
Contrary to popular belief it was I who invented the phrase mama mia.
So I think we cleared up a potential death race with the facts. The fact that I can travel in TIME!
And New Zealand stinks.
I thought of ABBA once. Then I thought of Napoleon having his ass served to him on a platter by the Duke of Wellington. And the Duke of Auckland too. Dunedin and Napier need not apply.
ThomasQuinn wrote: Sir GH "Doesn't Abba come to anyone's mind here?"
I'm trying desperately NOT to think of thàt lousy band.
Like them or not, they were incredibly ahead of their time. Whether or not you like their style of music comes down to taste, but the quality of their music is undeniable.