Is it bad to be a Stepford Fan for Queen? Cause I do believe I am a Stepford fan. Apparently they can do no wrong in my eyes.
Freddie Mercury(who is also Larry Lurex) may you rock in peace!!!
I've seen the musical. I thought it was gonna be crap and it was actually a family trip. So I went there thinking the worst and was hugely surprised by how good it was. Let's just examine that... I believed what people were saying on this board and to be honest from what I'd read about the show, it sounded bad. But in the end, going there and experiencing it for myself was a great feeling.
um, well, i never saw the musical. i dont think they ever had it over here in the US. If they did, i cant believe i missed it. is it bad? i hear people saying that it is.
Freddie Mercury(Larry Lurex) may you rock in peace!!!
I saw the musical a couple of years back and am hopefully going again in a couple of weeks. Had a great time, mind you, Flashman and I had indulged in a couple of double vodkas.
By all means leave your brain at the door but the band is superb and loud.
Most people who dislike it haven't seen it.
I cant judge the musical, I havent seen it, and I will one day, what annoys me is the every single little bit of advertising all over everything Queen related! On the LAW DVD on the interviews, Brian is sat at the piano with a WWRY music book on the music stand, BLATANT advertising.
Stepfords will buy those WWRY cars off QOL, ouch.
Wow. Well, I hope to see it. I think it was on VH1, but it said that Robert Deniro was in it. I am probably wrong, but hey, i tried.
Freddie Mercury(Larry Lurex) may you rock in peace!!!
I also remember that it was videotaped for show at a convention. But to be honest, that's a shitty experience, i.e. watching it on a tv screen in mediocre quality. It's just asking for you to doubt it. Especially since it was not professionally done.
Experiencing it in that hall in The sound was very pleasing as it surrounded me. I had goosebumps when Innuendo started the proceedings off with Freddie singing it! I recently read on Brian's site that they play that song "live" to Freddie's vocal.
I took a listen to the recorded cd. But it wasn't great. I don't know if it was the "live" or "studio" cd I listened to. Probably the "live" one.
The cd of the musical does bring back the images in the theatre but you can only get the real atmosphere in the theatre itself. The opening is indeed stunning.
In October we have our annual fanclub meeting in The Netherlands and this time they will show this videotape.
Question for Pim: are you going to watch that? :)
I have front row seats for the last WWRY premiere in Vegas on Sept. 7th - I am a little scared of what to expect....I am SO not a stepford, so I am not expecting it to be great just because its Queen......we shall see!
deleted user 29.07.2004 20:19
Personally, I have always opposed the way the meaning of "stepford fan" has changed.
Buying a piece of Queen-merchandise even though you think/know it's shite is a somewhat paradoxical and even slightly masochist act, which was fittingly stigmatized with this expression.
On the other hand thinking that Queen were beyond reproach is nothing but an opinion about Queen, which - whilst not being shared by a majority of fans - is not paradoxical at all, as it's very well possible to sincerely feel about the issue like that. When someone's such an enthusiast that he enjoys all they ever do, then he simply does that and it's fair enough.
Per definitionem, the original stepford didn't have anything to do with the latter. In fact, he DID think that Queen could do wrong, because only thus he could buy a release he didn't like.
The type of fan that got branded as stepford later on buys his GH IIIs and assorted releases because he actually likes them and really wants to have them.
I thus would like to make the proposal that we all shall return to the original definition of stepford, as coined by GordonoBurstingFoam !
According to my knowledge, Stepfordism has little to do with how much merchandise is bought. It's about the overall opinion of the band, and thinking they could do no wrong, mostly musically. Any time someone would critique Freddie's voice, Brian's guitar playing, Roger's looks, or John's state-of-the-art triangle talents, a Stepford would stand up for them no matter what.
See, that's what I always thought a Stepford fan was. I stand up for Queen whenever somebody says something bad about them. On the bus, it happens. There are lots of Queen fans on my bus, and whenever somebody says something nasty about them, they usually never say anything bad about them again.....they are biggots! the say they like WATC, WWRY, and BR, but not Queen.....................