Have a little question: does anybody know details about Roger's cars? How
many cars he has? What his fave car? And if you have some articles about his
passion (cars, of course!) - share with group, please. I'll be very grateful
and kiss you all =))
From rockline interview :
VIDAR: Thanks. My question was, I was wondering how the song I'm In Love With My Care came to be tied with the Jaguar commercial
RT: Hey, well, ...wrote the song a long time ago... Roger here. It was just a complete surprise to me. I had no idea, and my friend, Taylor Hawkins from the Foo Fighters, a great friend of mine, and a fantastic drummer...
BC: Great drummer.
RT: ... one of the greatest drummers on earth. Unfortunately that band have got two of the greatest drummers on earth in the same band..
BC: One singing, one playing guitar now.
RT: Yeah. And anyway he rang me and he said "Well I suppose you're getting richer. I keep hearing your song with the Jaguar thing." That was the first I knew of it, so I had nothing to do with it but I'll take the money. (laughs)
BC: That song has just been sitting there, to me, for years like a ripe plumb on a tree, waiting for the right person to say "Oh my God, let's use this to sell our automobiles."
RT: Yeah, I have to say it's quite a nice thing though for it to be associated with. It's one of our better cars,
BM: A class British car.
BC: The seat gets a little warmer now. Do you have a Jaguar, Roger?
RT: D' you know, I don't have Jaguar.
BC: You do not. Okay. Would you like to have a Jaguar? (laughs)
RT: Well I could add it to the others, yeah.
BC: I'm In Love With...
RT: Are they listening out there in Jaguar-land? I hope so.
BM: I've had three, actually. I don't have one of them at present, but they were pretty damn good.