I have always thought that it is ok to ask stupid quetions when you are new here and that most of us have done that. Anyway, during the last few months many of the topics in the Queen section have been simply idiotical. There is simply no limit about how stupid so many of these new users can be.
I'm sorry Ramses to choose your topic as an example (nothing personal), but this is simply the most stupid thing I have ever seen on this board:
"2 unrelated Queen questions" (placed in the Queen section)
Why the f*ck do you place that topic in the Queen section if it doesn't have anything to do with Queen (except that they have released many vinyl records and of course the Live Aid question)?!?
Other topics that make me furious are these "Why do we like "X" (X=any band)" topics from a few weeks ago. Come on, is it really so difficult to find the "Personal" section?!?
I agree, some of the newer posts are annoying. I've been on these boards for a few months, and I read them before actually registering, but there was a lot less crap then. Now, there's questions like, 'What do we think of David Bowie?' or 'Do you think I'm sexy?', which should be posted in the Personal section instead of flooding the Queen board. Come on, it's only takes an extra second to post in the right board.
stop complaining! the people you are mainly slagging off are new. its likely they are having trouble finding things because, get ready for a shock GOOGLE SOMETIMES SUCKS SERIOUS ASS! if things are getting boring, instead of causing an argument (which this undoubtedly will at some point) why not make things more interesting by adding topics that you will find amusing? :)
its likely they are having trouble finding things because, get ready for a shock GOOGLE SOMETIMES SUCKS SERIOUS ASS!
He's right. I can't hardly find anything for my Pokemon Sapphire game in terms of good cheats. All I get is either recycled pages or "non-existent" sites that direct you to pages with spamming ads
Stepford fan: a derogatory phrase conceived by Gordonofburstingfoam, erstwhile Queenzone/Queenrocker poster, who formed the Scottish Sarcmada with fatty and Holly. It refers to the classic horror film "The Stepford Wives" which deals with a town whose men replace their wives with robots who behave like the perfect 50s mom. This usage is directed primarily towards Queen fans who bought GH3 at its time of release, in full knowledge of its lacklustre track listing, from a feeling of duty as a fan. Since its invention, this phrase is more generally used to insult fans who seem to believe that Queen and all related projects are perfect and beyond reproach.
OIC. Thanks Sylvia!
I actually bought GH3 the weekend of the week it came out, and I didn't have too much knowledge of what were hits and what was not then.
Even if I would have known then, I still would have bought it.
Recently, I've bought two CD's and two records of the Flash remix single, and the Solo Por Ti single, just because I wanted to be somewhat of a completist, even if some of the songs were "lacklustre".
But then, I don't view everything Queen does as being perfect, so I'm not a Stepford fan (thankfully). :P
But I agree, this board has become pretty shit! Stupid topics, stupid mongs posting the topics. And I firmly beleive there is one poster doing all of this.
A Long Time Ago...........
This board was damn good when I first arrived here. And really educational. I learnt loads of insignificant facts about Queen, which were of no real importance in the long run, but which my life would be incomplete without.
And, even if the boards have gone downhill, I still return daily. And post whenever I can be bothered. Even though Queen aren't even my favourite band and more. Shouldn't matter. I still <3 'em, and am more than willing to learn even more pointless facts!
I do think the FAQ section is a good idea. I'm fed up of ignoring the same old posts, filled with the same old sarcastic, 'humorous' replies over and over.
Ooh... I'm typing a load of total crap at the moment, sorry... I'm just very bored.
Whisperer - by that title I meant there were 2 Queen questions that were unrelated to each other. I've only seen the 12 inch single lable under Queen songs, which is why I was wondering if it was a Queen thing. Sorry for the confusion.
agree with chazza. this board is becoming one of control freaks. its ok to just ignore annoying freaky spammers like baer but nobody can just turn the other way when a new person asks a question we've heard before. THAT is really the worst thing ever as far as some peeps are concerned. Chill out!
And... of course, the only other reason I stay here... I like seeing my post count rise...
deleted user 12.07.2004 19:36
Personally, I've always opposed the way the meaning of "stepford fan" has changed.
Buying a piece of Queen-merchandise even though you think/know it's shite is a somewhat paradoxical and even slightly masochist act, which was fittingly stigmatized with this expression.
On the other hand thinking that Queen were beyond reproach is nothing but an opinion about Queen, which - whilst not being shared by a majority of fans - is not paradoxical at all, as it's very well possible to sincerely feel about the issue like that. When someone's such an enthusiast that he enjoys all they ever do, then he simply does that and it's fair enough.
Per definitionem, the original stepford didn't have anything to do with the latter. In fact, he DID think that Queen could do wrong, because only thus he could buy a release he didn't like.
The type of fan that got branded as stepford later on buys his GH IIIs and assorted releases because he actually likes them and really wants to have them.
I thus would like to make the proposal that we all shall return to the original definition of stepford, as coined by GordonoBurstingFoam !
(half-serious bullshit post-mode off)
Richard Orchard wrote: i am developing a new FAQ area, and i will be directing new users to it.
hopefully that will trim down some of the posts people find a bit annoying.