Please, guys and girls, help an American fan out!
What station, cable or satellite, have any of you viewed the commercial on? About what time of day? I keep hearing it on the radio and feel left out because I haven't seen it yet and it's been on the tube for weeks. Help, please!!
(Do you think they gave Roger one for the use of his song??)
I *believe* my parents were watching channel 5 when I heard it from the other room and ran in. It was at night, probably around 9 - 10 PM.
In an interesting side note, I heard IILWMC on the radio a few days ago! They were playing it in honor of the commercial and the hard rock fans of the station. Very cool to hear a Queen album song on the radio--I've also heard Dragon Attack on that station too.
I've seen it a couple times but wasn't so excited by it that I made note of what I was watching. I would imagine perhaps during Larry King Live because I've watched that quite a bit lately.
Lisa, go to your local Jaguar dealer. Stare at the cars while listening to IILWMC on your personal stereo. You'll get the same effect as watching the Jaguar ad.
Heeheehee!! I did, hoping someone would give me a CD ROM of the commercial or something similar. Even the salesman I spoke to hasn't seen it yet but has heard it repeatedly on the radio too. He gave me a stack of Jaguar brochures instead. (I can dream, can't I? LOL)
I wonder why the song wasn't modified to "I'm in love with my Jag-u-ar" -- ooh, that would sound so nice....
I've seen the commercial millions of times!I think here in NYC they love shwoing it on the local channels such as FOX, NBC , CBS and WB, I've also seen it come right after that viagra commercial..more than once did I get a double dose of Queen songs in commercials...I think NYC can't get enough of both commercials...I'm actually getting tired of it...royalties galore$$$$
To see the commercial just go to the Jaguar usa webpage its got a link there or I'll just give you the damn link- link
click on explore special lease offer!
I remember my mom coming to ongakufest and telling me about the commercial, i thought she was nuts but no it was on tv when we went to go visit my grandparents. whoo.