Hi all. Out of curiousity I have been conducting a sort of poll on my friends to find out who they would vote for if they could (none are old enough to vote) and I thought I'd extend it to here. So if you are willing to share this information would you say who you support and (very briefly) why.
So far UKIP are in the lead on my mini poll. For those of you who are not in the UK they are a party in favour of Britain leaving the EU. Your opinions on that would also be interesting.
Well I think that's my longest post ever.
I would vote ERC. A nationalist party in Catalonia, a nation inside spain, not recognized as a country, even though historically it is a country.
It's called Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, what means "Republican Left of Catalonia". This party looks for Catalonia to be recognized as a country.
If you hear that theres a language that's being discussed to be official with the others 20 official EU language, this is my languague: Catalan.
Don't get me wrong, catalan is speaked by at least 10 milion people, what places number 7 on the 'most EU speaked language' chart.
Ok I stop here, but one last note: Catalan is speaked on the all-right side of spain (oriental spain), south of France, a little region in Sardinia, and the Balear Islands.
What do you thing, have we the right to ask the catalan to be official, besides of spanish, on the European Union?
PD: in Spain, besides of spanish and catalan, there're the Basque, speaked on the Basque Country, with its own history; also, the Galego, speaked on Galizia, with the same caracteristics.
Thank you if you have readed it :)
And, well, I've said that "I would vote", but in fact I'm gonna vote cause I've finnally acquired the age to vote. So this is going to be the first time :D
I'm a staunch Conservative. I am proud of my flag, not ashamed of it. Tend to agree with most of their policies, although they're a bit too lefty these days. But at least some of them are almost articulate. If they won't bring back William Hague (greatest Parliamentarian in the House, skinned Blair every week, not difficult admittedly) then let's have Boris Johnson for PM!
Labour - ill-educated, backwards thinking weaklings with no grasp of identity, morality, heritage or personal hygiene. It's a fucking outrage what they've done to this country and the sooner they're out, the better. Bastards.
Liberal Democrat - another way of saying "don't know". 'Clueless' would be nearer the mark.
Judging by the current poll predictions in the ridiculous postal vote we're enduring in this once great country, we're going to have a hung Parliament.
I'd have hung the cunts years ago.
I hate all the major parties here...when it's time to vote (next year I think) I'm gonna vote for the Greens...just so I can boast about how neither Labour nor National got my vote (labour being Labour, National being the more right-wingers - the two major parties)
I... voted... tory... in both local and european elections. Why? For the latter, although I do not think it is in Britain's interest to integrate further into the EU (especailly by signing the EU constitution and adopting the Euro), I also think the EU is a necessary evil in many policy areas, (so NO UKIP vote for me). For the former - to be honest I paid no attention to the local election campaign in Sheffield at all, seeing as I'm moving in one weeks time, I voted Tory in the vain hope that they might improve their pathetic standing seat wise in city areas accross the country.
Speaking of which, lets hope that awful Ken Livingstone gets soundly beaten in the London Mayoral election.
Well having never voted before (except in the 'who is the gayest mother fucker in the classroom'[which I rigged so I won]) but being quite up to date with the policies of the Government and what have you in Australia.. I would vote Liberal.
I can't stand Mark Latham (the Labor Leader) and the fact that Peter Garret(t) of Midnight Oil fame is running for a seat in Kingsford-Smith. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I'm like Flashman in many ways...only better
I love the Monarchy, I love staunch 'no gay marraiges but gay superannuation payment' policies and I love that sexy John Howard.
*throws the large quantities of sand at New Zealand* Boo, tell your Prime Minister to shave etc. etc.
Though I live in a Tory stronghold I always have and always will be Labour. Though its about time Blair left, Thatcher oustayed her welcome and look what happened to her the crazy cow.
Nice to see the BNP lost seats at the local elections. UKIP are supported by Kilroy-Silk so no-one is interested apart from Mail and Express readers and who listens to them anymore?
Your Boris Johnson though what a guy. The only Tory I like, he could cross the floor any day and I would be delighted to welcome him with open arms. Why can't he do a theatre tour instead of failed-aristocrat Tony Benn?
Boris Johnson, my God, he's such a bumbling, stuck up, pheasent eating tosspot, it would be like giving the keys of the asylum to the fucking lunatics.
*hands the Ocker a kangaroo and a pack of Durex*
Why do you use American spelling? Are you all so ready to acquiesce to a superpower and happy to be swallowed up by the monster of homogeniety?
And you're hogging the fucking WWRY musical!
Because it is the Labor Party. It was to differentiate between the Workers Labour Party in the 1890's before Federation.
''The Australian Labor Party or ALP is Australia's oldest political party. It is so-named because of its origins in and close links to the trade union movement. While Australians normally spell Labour with an "-our" ending, in the name of the party it is spelt with an "-or" ending.''
From Wikipedia.com
So there. You manly Prime Minister owning Nation.