[ Wybren™ ] 14.05.2004 08:07 |
"Queen and their management and all at Queen Productions want to know what products you, as loyal Queen Fans, want from them. If you have any ideas for any products or releases please email them through to us in as much detail as possible and we shall make sure that they get to be seen by the band and those who matter. For product ideas, please email: releases@queenonline.com" What ideas did/will you send? I don't know yet, something about various live shows on one DVD-A e.g. 1979 highlights DVD-A with a couple of complete recordings on a disk (in stereo cd (or better) quality). |
Kuku 14.05.2004 16:12 |
Do they ever reply? Or, is that even a functioning email address? |
[ Wybren™ ] 15.05.2004 05:43 |
I think it's functioning because this text was copied from Queenonline.com... |
jorge 15.05.2004 06:46 |
Easy answer: A unpublished DVD Something like Led Zep's DVD (You imagine can see and hear,enjoy more than five hours of Queen alive in the 70's), with concerts never seen before (not officially,of course), remasters with high quality in audio and video(no like DVD-r),That would be Great! |
[ Wybren™ ] 15.05.2004 09:27 |
My idea: Live Killers 1979 DVD DVD-A part (DTS 5.1 and PCM 2.0) 1 - 29.01.1979 Rotterdam, Holland 2 - 20.01.1979 Bremen, Germany 3 - 28.02.1979 Paris, France 4 - 20.04.1979 Osaka, Japan 5 - 26.12.1979 London, UK ca. 500min On Screen tracklisting and lyrics DVD-Video part (DTS 5.1 and PCM 2.0) 26.01.1979 Brussels, Belgium (20min): Interview, Now I'm Here, We Will Rock You, Fat Bottomed Girls, Brighton Rock, Tie Your Mother Down, Bohemian Rhapsody, Dreamer's Ball, Spread Your Wings, We Are The Champions). 11.02.1979 Munich, Germany (43 min): Soundcheck: Fat Bottomed Girls. Concert: Let Me Entertain You, Now I'm Here, Bohemian Rhapsody, Sheer Heart Attack, We Will Rock You, We Are The Chmapions, God Save The Queen. 26.12.1979 London, UK (50 min) 28.02.1979 Paris, FRA (?? min) Photo Gallery Various 1979 Photos (Source: link |
The Fairy King 15.05.2004 09:34 |
dream on |
Kuku 17.05.2004 02:19 |
Greg USED to reply to 200 word question section... looks like he's away for quite a while. |
Whisperer 17.05.2004 02:43 |
Why do you want those mixed concerts? It would be a thousand times better if they released complete gigs (like Wembley). There are som many complete recordings out there that are waiting to get released. Don't give them any stupid ideas like mixing 10 concerts into one. |
Kuku 17.05.2004 02:55 |
Whisperer wrote: Why do you want those mixed concerts? It would be a thousand times better if they released complete gigs (like Wembley). There are som many complete recordings out there that are waiting to get released. Don't give them any stupid ideas like mixing 10 concerts into one.On the same note, I really WANT excellent quality OFFICIAL COMPLETE live CDs... I really do. |
The Real Wizard 17.05.2004 11:01 |
Kuku wrote:So does everyone, but since QP has been clear that no complete pre-79 concerts will ever be released for quality reasons, some of us are therefore suggesting portions concerts that could make up a compilation. A 5 hour set of 74-78 stuff would certainly make my day.Whisperer wrote: Why do you want those mixed concerts? It would be a thousand times better if they released complete gigs (like Wembley). There are som many complete recordings out there that are waiting to get released. Don't give them any stupid ideas like mixing 10 concerts into one.On the same note, I really WANT excellent quality OFFICIAL COMPLETE live CDs... I really do. |
Whisperer 17.05.2004 11:32 |
What is the difference between releasing 20 minutes of "not-perfect-quality" videos and releasing 120 minutes of "not-perfect-quality" videos? |
wstüssyb 17.05.2004 11:51 |
my vote goes for another Magic tour show ^^ |
Mr Mercury 17.05.2004 16:58 |
Whisperer wrote: What is the difference between releasing 20 minutes of "not-perfect-quality" videos and releasing 120 minutes of "not-perfect-quality" videos?Even "not-perfect-quality" video's can be made quality nowadays. Old films can be cleaned up using todays technology and in most cases stereo and mono soundtracks can be remade into 5.1 - check out The Who's Kids Are Alright DVD and you'll see what I mean Dave |
Plengel 17.05.2004 17:17 |
A double CD with the complete BBC Sessions. I'd really like to see that some day. |
FriedChicken 17.05.2004 19:24 |
I think video recordings such as Ahoy Rotterdam 1979 and Munich 1979 aren't owned by Queen Productions, cause they were filmed by a tv networks from Holland and Germany. And I don't think Queen Productions want to try to buy the rights to them (Why would they, They have the rights to Wembley 86, And they can re-release it 10 times. The stupid fans will buy anything which has the word Queen on it) |
D.Blythe 18.05.2004 16:35 |
I will suggest here and on QUEENONLINE.COM that Queen Productions issue a DEFINITIVE Queen documentary on dvd. VHS had its Magic Years, since then we have had Champions of the World, Killer Queen, and God only knows how many others. A straight transfer of Magic Years would not do as the "celebrity" interviews are dated and the documentary is obviously dated. Let's keep the concert footage and the band interviews and build around them. |
Whisperer 19.05.2004 03:25 |
Mr Mercury wrote:If they can do that, they can do it to a complete concerts as well as to a snippet. So, why not release complete concerts? Why do you want some f***ing Live Killers DVD?Whisperer wrote: What is the difference between releasing 20 minutes of "not-perfect-quality" videos and releasing 120 minutes of "not-perfect-quality" videos?Even "not-perfect-quality" video's can be made quality nowadays. Old films can be cleaned up using todays technology and in most cases stereo and mono soundtracks can be remade into 5.1 - check out The Who's Kids Are Alright DVD and you'll see what I mean Dave |
[ Wybren™ ] 19.05.2004 13:24 |
Whisperer wrote: Why do you want those mixed concerts? It would be a thousand times better if they released complete gigs (like Wembley). There are som many complete recordings out there that are waiting to get released. Don't give them any stupid ideas like mixing 10 concerts into one.I rather see a complete 1979 video recording but I don't know if it exists (maybe Frankfurt 1979?) so I searched the web for infos about video recordings and I found that concert parts I mentioned earlier @link. But I rather have 5 complete (Studio quality)audio concerts (even if it's only 2.0) than one video concert... |
[ Wybren™ ] 19.05.2004 18:27 |
Another idea: Release one or more (complete and in studio quality) concert from every year starting with 1974. It could be a cd release (every concert on 2 cds) or a DVD-Audio release (with approx. 10 concerts on one disk). I prefer a DVD-A release. The first DVD-Audio should be a 74-79 Disk with the 10 highlight gigs from that era. The second one should be a 80-86 DVD. But of course this will never happen :'( |
[ Wybren™ ] 19.05.2004 18:32 |
Guitar Hero wrote:I thought Greg was only talking about video concerts, when he said no pre-79 concerts will ever be released, not about audio releases?!?Kuku wrote:So does everyone, but since QP has been clear that no complete pre-79 concerts will ever be released for quality reasons, some of us are therefore suggesting portions concerts that could make up a compilation. A 5 hour set of 74-78 stuff would certainly make my day.Whisperer wrote: Why do you want those mixed concerts? It would be a thousand times better if they released complete gigs (like Wembley). There are som many complete recordings out there that are waiting to get released. Don't give them any stupid ideas like mixing 10 concerts into one.On the same note, I really WANT excellent quality OFFICIAL COMPLETE live CDs... I really do. Hattrick :P |
Mr. Scully 20.05.2004 02:18 |
FriedChicken, you're not right - Queen Productions ARE trying to buy all possible footage from those local TV stations. Whether they've been successful or not, that's another question. (I seriously doubt such footage would cost more than 1% of annual profit of Queen Prods anyway). |
iGSM 20.05.2004 05:42 |
A Deaky afro. A Freddie moustache. Rogers' sex vibe. Brians' white clogs. Same old, same old really. |
deleted user 20.05.2004 06:23 |
I wrote to QP that I think they should put another concert on the 2nd disc on the Dvd releases instead of all that bonus material. I also wrote that I think they should release a game where you can follow Queen around the world on their tours! Now wouldn't that be nice, especially for us who didn't have the chance to see them live? :) |
Fenderek 20.05.2004 08:29 |
A lot of CDs with gigs from different years, from 1974 to 1985 (enough of Magic Tour...)... Don't care that much about DVDs, music is the most important thing... Instead of some compilation of few gigs, I would rather the whole ones, even if ONLY (??!!) in stereo... F**k it, they may even release them only on vinyls in freaking mono- as long as they're gonna be REALLY out there- I'll be over the moon... |
The Real Wizard 20.05.2004 10:42 |
[ Wybren™ ] wrote: I thought Greg was only talking about video concerts, when he said no pre-79 concerts will ever be released, not about audio releases?!? Hattrick :PYeah, that's right... but I still can't believe there's nothing from before 79 worth releasing. There has to be a lot in their archives, and I'm also completely convinced they could clean up quality if they really wanted. Jimmy Page spent over 6 months cleaning up the footage for the Led Zeppelin DVDs. |
Liquid Scream 20.05.2004 12:07 |
I really don't think they give a damn. It's the profit they are thinking about not the true fans. They will only release what they think will attract the outsiders. It doesn't seem likely they will release any early live material on cd. It's pretty pathetic what they have out to document the live portion of their career. Three discs, nothing from pre-79 and the other two from the same tour!! Do they think they couldn't cut it live? Are they embarrassed of their live show? No, it's because they want to release something that will appeal to the masses. I for one would love to see this change and for QP to release a ton of live discs but it's not likely to happen. Greatest Hits make the money so why put anything else out. |
[ Wybren™ ] 20.05.2004 16:23 |
Liquid Scream wrote: I really don't think they give a damn. It's the profit they are thinking about not the true fans. They will only release what they think will attract the outsiders. It doesn't seem likely they will release any early live material on cd. It's pretty pathetic what they have out to document the live portion of their career. Three discs, nothing from pre-79 and the other two from the same tour!! Do they think they couldn't cut it live? Are they embarrassed of their live show? No, it's because they want to release something that will appeal to the masses. I for one would love to see this change and for QP to release a ton of live discs but it's not likely to happen. Greatest Hits make the money so why put anything else out.That's true... We have to think about some pre-79 concert that will be bought by the masses, that's our only chance. But I have NO idea... It's a shame QP doesn't release something for the die hard fans. What's Greg doing all day? |
D.Blythe 20.05.2004 16:39 |
Maybe Greg and the rest at QP are bogarding the bits and pieces of live material they have for inclusion on the "upcoming" box set(s). Either on cd or dvd ala the Freddie Mercury set. If there is not enough material for a stand alone release from a particular show, rather than try to patch bits together to make a "Live Killers" dvd, maybe they want to put out a compilation dvd/cd for the box set. Maybe. Personally, I am afraid that a.)we will never see the box set(s) b.)when they do come out, they will be incredibly expensive or c.)they will have region 2 dvd content that I cannot access or d.)like some of the Elvis Presley boxes that have come out lately, more than half of the material will be previously released so as to flesh out four discs with a sprinkling of unreleased gems. "historical perspective", you know. |
Adam Baboolal 20.05.2004 18:46 |
"Personally, I am afraid that a.)we will never see the box set(s)..." I doubt that. "b.)when they do come out, they will be incredibly expensive..." What's incredibly expensive? Something similar to the FM box set? "or c.)they will have region 2 dvd content that I cannot access..." Er... get a better dvd player! lol "or d.)like some of the Elvis Presley boxes that have come out lately, more than half of the material will be previously released so as to flesh out four discs with a sprinkling of unreleased gems. "historical perspective", you know." I seriously doubt that that will happen. It won't be like the FM box with all the albums included. I believe it has already been stated that this will not be the path taken. Peace, Adam. |
D.Blythe 20.05.2004 20:53 |
Are my fears really that easily dismissed? For how long have we been hearing about these damn box sets? Queen as a current,functioning group ceased to exist about ten or twelve years ago. Other than the occasional compilation and the musical, there has not been a great deal of new product occupying the time of Greg Brooks or Queen Productions. Their dvd production schedule is not overwhelming. Yes, I considered the Freddie Mercury box to be very expensive. About $120 dollars the last time I checked. Not easy to come by for most people. I am happy with my dvd player and other than the special edition Flash Gordon dvd that came out in Europe, I do not see the need to go out and try to find a good region free player for one or two titles. I can only hope that whatever future dvds are released are accessible for U.S. fans. As long as it has taken for these box sets to emerge (how many will there be? One? Two?)one would assume they are going to be painstakingly thorough and extensive. Especially if they choose to include dvds with the cds. Has Brian not said that there is not a lot of unreleased material in the vaults? That most of what was written and recorded was released at one time or another? What could be the delay? |
Saint Jiub 20.05.2004 21:56 |
Adam B should change his nick to Blind Faith. |
Penis - Vagina 20.05.2004 22:12 |
Adam likes to dismiss anything when he's able to conjure up some sort of argument for it. But on to more important things... I find it interesting that Greg made two statements to me personally: 1. "I have no interest in video/DVD stuff. That's not my department." And later 2. "We're not working on the box sets now, only DVD stuff." It makes you wonder exactly what he's doing. I mean, aside from running raffle contests. |
Liquid Scream 20.05.2004 22:16 |
D.Blythe - How is 120 dollars for a ten cd, two DVD boxed set expensive??? |
Penis - Vagina 20.05.2004 22:20 |
Oh, and what I'd like to see is a complete B-sides collection. Not just the obvious ones, but all of the unique stand-alone versions of things like Funny How Love Is, Flick of the Wrist, It's A Beautiful Day, etc. |
Penis - Vagina 20.05.2004 22:22 |
The U.S. dollars price for the FM box set is roughly $230 depending on the exchange rate of the day. |
Liquid Scream 20.05.2004 22:28 |
That makes a little more sense now. |
Saint Jiub 20.05.2004 22:30 |
I'll answer - It is more than one day's pay for many people. It is an expensive inessential item. It is even more expensive if you want Region 1 or NTSC to be imported to the USA. |
Liquid Scream 20.05.2004 22:45 |
If Queen released a ten cd, 2 DVD box set of unreleased material I would have no excuse not to buy it. The money I've saved from not being able buy any worthwhile audio release since Made in Heaven would surely pay for it! |
Maz 20.05.2004 22:53 |
I bought my box set for $140 back in 2000. It was certainly worth the price, but I understand how many fans cannot afford it. Plopping down $20 for a DVD or $15 for a CD is a bit easier to manage. One issue to consider is that the Freddie box was so much more than other box sets. I can go to the store and buy an Elton box set and The Who set combined for less than money importing Freddie. I realize that the content is completely different and that the Freddie box set was an excellent deal, but there is still the perception of overpricing. |
Plengel 21.05.2004 03:23 |
For the people who are always whining about the FM Boxset to be way to expensive: SAVE MONEY FOR IT!!!! Jeezzzz, it is something you want very much, do some effort for it to obtain it!!! |
[ Wybren™ ] 21.05.2004 05:56 |
Bullwinkle wrote: I'll answer - It is more than one day's pay for many people. It is an expensive inessential item. It is even more expensive if you want Region 1 or NTSC to be imported to the USA.I thought DVDs like GVH1, 2 and Wembley 86 were region 0 (=region free)? The last thing I heard about the box sets was that one of them will be released before Christmas 2004, but how reliable is QP? I don't know if they will ever be released... I bought my FM box set (in Holland, 2002) for €150,= and it's worth it! I'm still enjoying it. I know it's a lot of money but you get 10 cds, 2 DVDs and a deluxe book for it . That's €12,50/disk (if you're not counting the book). That isn't expensive! |
AlexRocks 21.05.2004 20:48 |
I have been hell bent since 1992 when I was 14 years old for the box sets to come out. I now have changed my mind and think that they should wait until 2010. The reason is because I think the catelog should be released as double c.d.s with whatever bonus features the way Brian May recently has said. This is so that that there will be a few years after their release before any of the boxsets and so the boxsets themselves will have complete information and material on the actual catelog itself. The reason I think 2006 for the catelog re-release is because at least in the U.S. it then will have been 15 years or so after the re-releases on Hollywood Records and 20 years after their last tour. They need to tour that year to build up their popularity more for these boxsets to sell as the F.M. one went out of print within the year of its release (then again maybe things can be re-released in different formats over the years if need be). They especially need to tour in the U.S. to help their popularity. As it is Hollywood Records have already said that they do not plan on selling the boxsets except maybe having 3 c.d. sets of some of the material. Also other groups have been touring for a good many years before releasing something new after reforming for the first time in years. Whether it has been The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Black Sabbath, Page and Plant, or now Van Halen as their current tour will be for a new compilation and then next year a new c.d. which they will continue touring for. You all don't want these releases to be released and then go out of print in one year or the first few years even do you? P.S.: It has already been made very clear that the boxsets will not consist of any of the regular album releases which is good so that they will contain more rare and unreleased material. That was the point as well that there is so much of this extra material that Brian wants to make the catelog two c.d. sets each. This is what we call glorious news folks...three box sets with eight c.d.s each and FIFTEEN more c.d.s added to the catelog re-release PLUS an 8 c.d. boxset of live material and an eight c.d. boxset each for Brian and Roger covering their solo careers...even though 2010 is a number of years away I would suggest we all start saving up because we are going to have a number of years of buying quite a bit in the years to come!!!! |
Zander05 22.05.2004 21:44 |
QP should release every and any concert filmed - completion/good quality or not. At least I hope they won't pull another We Will Rock You concert DVD stunt where they f***ed up in more than a few areas in terms of Freddie singing (remember Killer Queen?). Just give us anything that's not a waste of money! Bring on better and more accurate documentaries (Even Champs Of The World messed up. Showed 3 or so clips including Wembley and said one part was from 1985 and the other from 1986! There's more too, but I don't feel like naming them all). |
Oberon 24.05.2004 11:01 |
The edit problem in We Will Rock You during Killer Queen is on the original video release too. i would have thought that they would have fixed it when they re-mixed the DVD? or perhaps they didn't re-mix, just used the same master copies? (Not up on the technical aspect of turning video/film into a DVD!!!) And don't forget, We Will Rock You is not owned by Queen. The rights are owned by the Canadian company (MobileVision?) who filmed the concert. Brian has stated that he's always regretted losing ownership of the film. |
Fenderek 24.05.2004 12:17 |
"Brian has stated that he's always regretted losing ownership of the film." Wonder why... Because it WAS released...? |
Hank H. 24.05.2004 12:54 |
Because back then it was the best Queen article available and now is still at least the best looking. And Brian is too pigheaded to admit that anyone else releases Queen articles not only faster but also better than his shitty company. I wish they had lost all the rights for their material. Not only would we get more, they would also be forced to come up with new stuff instead of earning money with outdated products and music. |
Saint Jiub 24.05.2004 17:39 |
I believe Brian was quoted as saying that Mobilevision "made a silk purse out of a sow's ear". My memory may be slightly faulty, but I believe that Brian also called Mobilevision parasites. Hmm - maybe I am mixing up quotes. |
Adam Baboolal 24.05.2004 20:00 |
"Adam likes to dismiss anything when he's able to conjure up some sort of argument for it." Er... dismiss what? You really have it in for me, don't you? I'll never understand it... "Adam B should change his nick to Blind Faith." Well, you make the argument, actually. If they're only interested in profit, why do they have Greg on the payroll? My advice is to put the boxsets out of your mind. I do have faith that they'll surface and was hoping for end of 2006. But to be honest, I have great patience when it comes to waiting for things. Just don't pay attention to it. Put it out of mind if it annoys you. And for the last time, the FM boxset can be found VERY cheaply on Ebay. That's your only alternative if you want to get it for less. Mind you, I bought a brand new set for roughly $98! And it wasn't on Ebay... And the DVD region issue is pretty much non-existent these days. Everyone I know makes sure not to buy a region stuck player. Or they buy one that can be easily hacked. "The last thing I heard about the box sets was that one of them will be released before Christmas 2004, but how reliable is QP?" Yeah, they're pretty bad at QP. I used to do that kind of thing, i.e. tell people I'd have something completed at a certain time, only to completely overshoot the date I gave them! They keep trying to give us some sort of date and the only other reason I could come up with is because of the fans' demand for this knowledge. Alexrocks has an interesting idea about rereleasing the albums with extra tracks. It's a cheaper way of doing things. I remember the Pet Shop Boys did that with their entire catalogue. They included a booklet and extra cd with all kinds of demos, remixes, unreleased mixes and information. So, it certainly is a cost friendly approach for those who don't see themselves buying a boxset or waiting for ALL time periods to be covered. Not bad, AlexRocks. But it does beg the question, if you're willing to own all those albums, why not own a cheaper box instead? I have to agree with Plengel, it's all about saving. "'Brian has stated that he's always regretted losing ownership of the film.' Wonder why... Because it WAS released...?" No. Because the audio mix could've been updated and remixed properly. Remember, the band and the company in question released it back in the 80's. They made sure it was a good release...20 YEARS AGO! It's a Shame cause people really like it because it's Queen at a great time. A great performance. And of course, the film still looks great. Ah film, is there anything it can't do!? However, the company that put it out only paid attention to the visuals. And while they're great, the fact that they didn't bother to do anything to the sound was criminal. A concert is for seeing AND hearing. Yes, the mix is adequate. But it could've been soooo much better. No matter what you think of Brian, you have to acknowledge that that was a very bad move. "anyone else releases Queen articles not only faster but also better than his shitty company." What releases are you referring to from other companies? Peace, Adam. |
Hank H. 25.05.2004 09:22 |
Sorry, that must be "someone", Adam. I only refer to WWRY on DVD. |
marvinp01 01.01.2009 19:13 |
or Live at The Rainbow 1974 in Bluray |
steven 35638 01.01.2009 23:41 |
Wow, talk about bringing an old thread back to life! |
Saint Jiub 02.01.2009 10:58 |
[ Wybren™ ] wrote:
The last thing I heard about the box sets was that one of them will be released before Christmas 2004, but how reliable is QP? I don't know if they will ever be released...
Hmmm ... 2004 box sets ... That's QPL for ya |
Benn 03.01.2009 13:41 |
Adam & Alex, Regarding the re-issue thang. I just don't see how QPL could justify yet another re-release of the existing catalogue. I don't believe that the sound quality (unless it's ALL done under the 5:1 banner) can be improved over and above what we already have available to us. The Japanese re-masters were absolutely top notch. The rarities box set just opens so many great opportunities across multiple discs. Where MOST box sets fall down is with the inclusion of the standard Greatest Hits alongside rarities and live takes. The Who's "30 Years" box won platitudes both here and in the States, even though it included a number of the well-known single hits which appeased Polydor; there was sufficient rare material across 4 discs to ensure that absolutely everyone was catered for. Following that, Polydor embarked on an ambitions re-issue project which was the original albums expanded (where possible) and re-mastered with great success. Next up were Deluxe editions which will then complete the cycle for the issueing of as much rare material as possible. Problem with Queen is that there is literally too much of the same product out there already. What they need to do is get something out there that is COMPLETELY different to what's already there. It'd be nice also if product became available that didn't take it's lead from other bands. One of the reasons the FM box went down so incredibly well was that it was a complete departure from anything else we'd seen! It was a real gemand a great surprise, proving that it can be done. My suggestion would be to issue the studio and live box sets we've been after for so long. In the studio sets though, the standard versions of the well-known hits need to be avoided, BUT replaced WHEREVER POSSIBLE by alternative versions / takes in order to appease the record Parlophone, QPL and us. The live set (s) could feature as many of the hits as they can fit on there, but ensuring that as much QUALITY Material as possible is issued in chronological order, whilst ensuring that as much INTERESTING material (Hangman etc) is used as can be found. An interesting one would be a Hammersmith box set. DVD & audio versions (where they exist) of all of Queen's appearances at the Hammersmith Odeon. Reproductions of the relevant tour books and tickets, posters etc. Contemporary photographs presented alongside copies of show reviews and a definitive essay on the venue and it's relationship with the band. Or, alternatively, we could get absolutely fuck all. As usual. |
Negative Creep 03.01.2009 15:55 |
Considering the UK releases haven't been updated since the 1994 remasters, re-issues of the albums would be nice actually. They could remix every album to create high-def mixes like the Teo Toriatte one that was issued in Japan. A bonus rarities disc with each album would render the idea of a cumbersome boxset obsolete and would enable more material to be released and more people to hear it, and would promote the albums etc... The chances of EMI releasing (or QPL agreeing to) what Greg Brooks has proposed for the anthology sets are extremely slim, much like the singles box/es. |
marvinp01 04.01.2009 13:46 |
this email doesnt work! |
on my way up 04.01.2009 14:55 |
I'm mainly interested in the live stuff. I think Wembley, Milton Keynes and Montreal were great releases(aimed at the general publicbut great nevertheless). However, there's a huge amount of stuff I'd like to hear/see that hasn't seen the light of day yet. These are the live products I would like to see: -Queen at the Hammersmith Odeon: a 2 DVD set with both shows complete. Also a cd set with these shows: Hammy'79 to attract people(the hits are on it)and Hammy'75 as a 3th disc(people will get to know the early stuff). -A live Killers box: footage from Brussels, Paris, Munich, Rotterdam, Tokyo(all the best bits compiled so that we also get the complete Brighton rock, It's late, dreamers ball, ...)+ also the best audio bits from what they have on CD(I think they can make something really impressive, Greg's comments about what is available from this tour suggest this aswell) -Hyde Park'76 DVD + CD release -Queen at the court: compilation of both nights + also release of the audio -Queen conquers South-America: a beautiful set with all the best bits from this HISTORIC tour. Interviews, tv-reports, interviews with people who saw the shows,.....(a documentary, this tour was really something!) -Queen in Rio: the best bits from both nights + additional footage from tokyo -Queen live in the seventies: best bits from early shows(rainbow)and bits from shows like Houston'77 of Munich'78. Maybe audio can be included aswell(what about London'78:-) So, there are many possibilities. They can really make some fantastic items! |