Well, the other three had topics like this, and Brian looked left out. I love that quote where Brian said "I am in danger of becoming a prisonner of my own hair" and he's certainly known for his hair.
His current "save the world" endeavour is his albatross "Rocky." You can read about it at his site (BrianMay.com for those living under a rock).
So, yeah. Brian's hair.
Brian: Why is it always about my hair? What about what's underneath all that?
Roger: More hair?
(-Melina Deacon, Big Bummer Episode II @ link
Well, that would be May 13, 1978 when John was in Barber's College (in case this whole "Queen" thing didn't work out) and started noticing all the band had very different do's.
It was also about this time that he cut off lots of Roger's hair when he was sleeping and had the freak accident with the perm oil that caused his godawful 'fro.