Probably an old topic to most of you...but I gotta know....what is in the drinks on the piano? Water? Beer? whats in the styrafoam cup?
Gray in the USA link
Does anyone know anything about the glass of champagne (?) in the No-One But You video? Is this a glass left there by Freddie and no-one's touched it,(literally and figuratively!) or is it just a visual cue for that old half-full/half-empty idea the song skirts around? Moxie, any clues? :)
We really must stop bumping in to each other like this Miss James!
What I want to know is Freddie is always quoted as drinking Stolichnaya vodka, presumably because it is expensive?
Yet you can go to Tenerife and buy a bottle for £4.
No wonder Freddie could afford to buy houses for all his mates he scrimped on his vodka. If I scrimped on the amount of vodka I consumed I could afford to buy all my mates houses too!
That Freddie, cheapskate.
PS Not a word Flashman about Morrinov or Asdaov vodka! They were gifts!