on sundays here in the u.k there is a cartoon on at night called 2DTV. this is a show which pokes fun at events that have happened in the news over the past few weeks or people who are in the public eye. so last night, among other things, were 2 sketches involving Justin from the darkness.
on stage he sang 'we are the darkness my friends, and we'll rip off Queen til the end' and
'mama, just ripped off a song'
that was then followed up by him stage diving and saying be careful this catsuit is flammable. ofcorse he is set on fire and sings 'this never happened to freddie mercury'
now i like the darkness and felt i should just tell y'all and see what shows up...
Wow...that sounds like a show we have here in the U.S...it's on Spike t.v. and it's called "This just in".....only it focuses more on political events...
I'll admit that I am listening to the Darkness a bit nowadays, but I am also first to agree they are 'copying' Queen. Maybe it is pidgeonholing them, but that's what happens when you dress, act, sing, etc. exactly like someone else.
Woulda loved to see that cartoon, lol.
Nope, you are not alone. Personally, I find them very, very irritating.
I saw the 2D:tv episode... very funny. I also liked the part after WATC where he does the stage dive, and the crowd carry him out of wherever they're performing, and shut the door on him.
In the meantime, the guitarist is playing, and he says something like "Let me back in! The solo ends in three hours!"
Well I know that happened to Queen too in the 80's in Australia...Fast Forward/Full Frontal did a piss take of Bohemian Rhapsody..instead of 'So you think you can love me and leave me to die' it was 'This is the part where we try to be a rock band'..of course I wrote a letter of disagreement to the Prime Rib Minister...then for no reason I ended this post!